The planimetric coordinates x, y of ihe fixed
points at the Pecny test field, und thus the coordin-
ates of the vertices of the 59 imaginary (experimen-
tal) parcels, had been defined geodetically with a
mean error of my y = = 2 cm. Hence the acreages P
of the imaginary 59 parcels, computed according to
Eq. (1), can be considered correct.
2P = [Xa(Yn41 —y2-1)]
2P = [yn(xn-1 —%n+1)] (1)
The dependence of the areal accuracy of photo-
grammetrically plotted parcels upon the image scale
of the aerial photographs and the map scale was de-
rived from 11 variants of photographs taken at the
Pecny test fields on the scales of 1:3000 to 1:25,000.
The test-field points were marked with tempor-
ary signals of foamed white polystyrene. Those marks
were centred over the crosses of the granite prisms
with an accuracy better than 1 cm.
When checking the areal accuracy of the par-
cels planimetrically plotted by photogrammetry from
all photograph variants of the Pecny field, it was
assumed that
a) photographs on the scales of 1:3500 and 1:5000
are used to plot maps on the scale of 1:1000;
b) photographs on the scales of 1:6800, 1:8800,
1:9000, and 1:9100, taken with various cameras
or with cameras having different constants, are
used for maps on the scale of 1:2000, and
c) photographs taken with an RC5a Wild camera
(150/230) on the scale of 1:13,500 and with
an RC5a Wild camera (110/180) on the scales
of 1:15,000, 1:20,000, and 1:25,000 are used to
p'ot maps on 1:5000 scale.
Plotting, done in 10 different photogrammetric
laboratories, was carried out on an A7 Wild auto-
graph in one case, on Zeiss-Jena planigraphs in 3
cases, and on stereometrographs in 6 cases. Hence
the results may be considered to give an objective
picture of the accuracy of photogrammetric practice.
After numerical plotting of coordinates x(n),
y(n) and the graphical definition of the coordinates
x(g), y(g) of the graphically plotted characteristic
points of the boundary lines, the areas P;(n) were
calculated using E4. (1) from the numerically de-
termined coordinates, and the areas P;(g) from the
graphically determined coordinates of the 76 corner
points of the 59 imaginary parcels. In every plot-
ting variant, the deviations of the map areas P;(n)
end P;(g) from the true parcel area P; were calcul-
APi(n) = Pi(n) —P;
APi(g) = P,(g) —P;, (2)
where P; is the true area of the parcel, calculated
from the geodetical coordinates. Next, the mean devi-
ations, maximum deviations and mean relative devi-
ations were calcu'ated for every parcel, according to
the paragraphs a), b) and c).
The areal deviations of parcels situated in two
models could reasonably be expected to be greater
than those of parcels pictured in a single mode!, par-
ticularly if calcu'ated from shified coordinates after
graphical plotting. These two categories of parcels
were classified accordingly in two groups — A and
B — for the analysis under discussion. Considering
the number and magnitude of the deviation in the
parcels of each of the two groups, weighted arithmet-
ical averages of aeral deviations AP of the parcels
were calculated, as well as averages of relative devi-
ations 6 of the parcel areas on the scales of 1:1000,
1:2000, and 1:5000. The results are tabulated below.
Table 1
Average deviations of calculated parcel areas after |
Group photogrammetric plotting
Mas d ipd CORREA EE n umerical BOMB TI EO graphical :
i s A
number AP 5 number | AP | 5 © Qo
A B of cases 2 0 of cases 2 | o
[m'] [70] mi |} LA!
n n |
1:1000 1 — 14 18 0.42 — | — —
1:2000 1 o 268 18 | 0.75 111 | 33 1.46
1:5000 1 - 634 58 1.34 206 | 87 1.99
| |
1:1000 2 - -
1:2000 2 86 38° | 078 66 | 60 1.33
1:5000 = 2 | 2. Tong 2.32
This Table makes it clear that there is no diffe-
rence in areal accuracy between parcels plotted from
single models and those plotted from two models,
provided always the number of cases is sufficient.
In the further procedure, the areal accuracy of par-
cels plotted from one and from two models was
therefore assumed to be practically equal.
The 59 parcels under investigation were divided
in 15 groups according to their sizes (cf. Table 2),
in order to determine the dependence of the areal
accuracy of photogrammetrically plotted parcels upon
the image scale and the map scale. In each of those
groups, weighted averages of deviations from parcel
areas and weighted aver-ges of the relative devi-
ations of the areas calculated from photogrammetric
plottings were computed for each of the image scales
under consideration.