Full text: Actes du onzième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (fascicule 9)

supplies data on magnetic tape to a System/360-65 used in building 
data bank for containing the Canadian Land Inventory Data derived 
from several thousand maps. 
A report was also presented at this meeting on the Geospace 
Plotter? ? which has been used for rapid output of line maps 
on-line with a 360-50 data processor in digital facsimile form 
at resolutions of 100 and 200 spots/inch. 
A recently published paper 2 referenced use of the 
System/360-50 and an on-line Geospace Plotter for quick plotting 
Of a city section street map.at 100 points per inch. 
Also reported is the programming status of the conversion 
of point elevations measured in X, Y, and Z into contour maps, 
and detail terrain data models for many uses of digital data in 
civil engineering design projects. A7? All of these examples of 
digital mapping relate to the growing capability of large, 
general-purpose computers for use in the production of several 
types of maps. These maps are of various degrees of quality, 
using line data from field, library or aerial survey data com- 
piled onto manuscripts with photogrammetric as well as planimetric 
Mr. Howard Carr recently reported the initial operation of 
color-separation digital scanner in bench model form. This was 
reported at the Color-separation Panel of the semi-annual meeting 
of ASP in October, 1968 in St. Louis. This experimental unit was 
operated under a contract with the U.S. Army's Engineering 
Topographic Laboratory. 
At the ASP Symposium in December, 1967, on the Computational 
Photogrammetry, the IBM-Data Processing Science Center demonstrated 

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