Full text: Actes du onzième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (fascicule 9)

Significant Bibliography for Digital Mapping 
R..T. Moore, et al, "Digitizing Pictorial Information with 
a Precision Optical Scanner", presented March, 1964 - Annual 
Meeting of American Society of Photogrammetry, Washington, 
D. Ci 
R. E. Mach, et al, "Rectification of Satellite Photography 
by Digital Techniques", IBM Research Journal, 6,290 (1962). 
J. V..Sharp,:et al, "Automatic Map Compilation Using Digital 
Techniques", presented at the Tenth Congress, Int. Soc. of 
Photogrammetry, September, 1964. 
W. L. Gilman, "Drum Scanning Techniques for Digitizing and 
Recording Image Data", presented March 1966, IEEE Annual 
R. R. Tomlinson, "A Geographic Information System", presented 
March, 1967 - Annual Meeting of the American Society of 
D. R. Thompson, "An IBM Special Cartographic Scanner", 
presented March, 1967, ASP-ACSM Annual Meeting (copies from 
IBM, Communications Dept., Kingston, N. Y.). 
"Use of the IBM 2250 Display Unit", IBM D.P. Application 
Booklet E20-0080-0 (copies from IBM Publications, 112 East 
Post Road, White Plains, N.Y., 10601). 
"Digital CRT Plotter", (GeoSpace Corp., Product DP-203-Form 
671-7.5M-467, Address Houston, Texas). 
"Numerical Surface Techniques and Contour Map Plotting", 
IBM Application Booklet - E20-0117-0, IBM World Trade 
Corporation - 821 U.N. Plaza, New York, N.Y., 10017. 

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