Full text: Actes du onzième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (fascicule 9)

Prof. Dr. R.S. Halonen Dipl.Eng. Aino Savolainen 
Technical University of Helsinki 
Institute of Photogrammetry 
Material and experiment 
All together nine diapositives were sent from Czechoslovakia for the experiment. 
They were taken consecutively forming groups of threes and the scales were I - 
1:3500, II = 1:6000 and III = 1:12 000. Thus three photographs which were taken 
at the same altitudes formed two successive models. The following problems were 
to be studied: 
The total three-dimensional photogrammetric error of stereomodels 1, absolutely 
oriented on five known control points, as a function of the negatives scales 
1:3500, 1:6000 and 1:12 000. 
The total three-dimensional photogrammetric error of stereomodels 2, oriented 
to the first models without any known control point in the second models, also 
as a function of the same three negative scales. 
Observations and elimination of systematic errors 
Observations were made from the diapositives with a precision stereocomparator 
PSK. Each point was observed three times and the mean of these observations 
was used in computing. From previous studies the standard error of one obser- 
vation in comparator measurements is less than 32.0 microns. The image coordi- 
nates were transferred to the coordinate system of the camera and at the same 
time the deformations ofthe film base were eliminated by affine transformation 
The solution of the problems is based on the block triangulation method deve- 
loped in Finland |2|, |3|. The solution is exact and is very similar to the 
more widely known method developed by Helmut Schmid in U.S.A. 

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