Full text: Actes du onzième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (fascicule 9)

Table 3 gives the photogrammetric errors of the given geodetic points in compu- 
tations A and B at different scales. The corresponding means have also been cal- 
culated and they vary between 6.4 and 8.3 um. 
Theoretical standard errors of the coordinates of the new points 
The adjustement also gives the standard errors of the coordinates of the new 
points. The means of the standard errors of the new points and their minimum 
and maximum values for each computation are given in table 4. The standard er- 
ror of unit weight of the adjustment is again given in this table as it affects 
the standard errors of the coordinates. The table also gives the number of points 
used in computing. 
moi i Standard errors of coordinates ! Standard 
ymo 1 mm error | Number 
e =n m t I giis 
sl il T n um) 
soma ion X I y à z ! weight | points 
| Mini- Maxi-u Mini- Maxi-u Mini- Maxi -i 
aum | Mean um drum | Mean [un À mm | | mm» IU 
n if 1 i 
Il Il Il Il 
ja Jus [| x} | 243 {+48 [#18 [#32 } +29 | +54| +2 | +8 56 
IB $492 À +20 | 250 L +12 [=17 | +29 Ÿ 427 | -+50| 479 À +6 57 
| | i i 
IIA — 8230 | +56 | +96 i +27 |+41 | +71 N +57 |+108/#143 n +36 57 
IIB 1:32 | +53 | +94 ii +28 |+42 | +74 C" +58 | +106 [+142 i +37 57 
| | i i 
IIIA 1:59 [+100 [+161 # +53 |+74 [+124 1114 [+209 [+264 H +82 53 
IIIB 11452 | +88 [+146 i +47 | +66 |+ 95 +101 |+185|+238 | +73 51 
Il Il Il N 
Il Il Il il 

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