Full text: Actes du onzième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (fascicule 9)

Development of the skills of the Liberian people has assumed 
its proper place as the top priority of the Government. The 
United States is giving its full support to the Government in the 
attempt to create the educational, training, and health facilities 
that are urgently required. This is the crucial area where the 
problems are at once the greatest and the most stubborn. With 
development of the natural resources and infrastructure, the 
training of individuals must keep pace. Assistance is also 
provided for improving Liberia's public administration. 
The Peace Corps has sent volunteers to teach in Liberia's 
schools and to assist in the governmental administration. 
Liberia's open-door investment policy has attracted large 
amounts of private investment for development projects, such as 
the Bomi Hills and Mano River iron ore projects, and additional 
amounts are expected in the future. A Swedish-American group 
completed in 1963 a major iron ore project at Nimba Mountain 
(the LAMCO project). German investors have developed iron ore 
resources at the Bong Mountain range. A large private American 
rubber company has had longstanding major holdings in Liberia; 
several other private U.S. and foreign firms are in the process 
of developing new rubber plantations. 
Several U.N. specialized agencies have extended help, and this 
assistance should continue in the future. The Food and Agriculture 
Organization (FAO) has implemented a special-fund project in 
agricultural education. The International Bank for Reconstruction 
and Development (IBRD) has lent funds for the construction of roads. 

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