Full text: Actes du onzième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (fascicule 9)

y- Comparison of the results determined geodetically and photogrammetrically 
After the geodetic coordinates of the new points were received, they were com- 
pared with the coordinates determined photogrammetrically. 
The systematic part of the differences was subtracted and then the root mean 
square values of the differences between photogrammetric and geodetic coordi- 
nates were computed. Table 5 gives the results of the comparison. 
e | © Mffav-| Systematic Root mean ; 
Scale | Symbol Model Deren constribution| square value eq 
to differ- of differ- urrer 
ences ences ences 
AX +0.2 +1.8 5.2 
1845/1846 Ay -0.9 t 2.5 - 8.1 
1:3500 IA+IB AZ -/.8 + 5.2 -13.3 
AX -0.7 + 2.6 + 6.6 
1846/1847 Ay -1.7 +:3.2 - 7-3 
AZ -0.5 x 9.4 +20.9 
AX +0.4 + 3.5 + 9,4 
1828/1829 Ay +0.9 t 4.4 - 9.5 
1:6000 |IIA+IIB AZ +5.5 +12.5 +26.7 
AX -0.6 + 6.9 -20.1 
1829/1830 Ay 44.4 t 4.6 -15.1 
e 9 AZ -8.4 113.4 -32.7 
AX 14.1 t 5.4 112.5 
1819/1821 Ay +2.5 + 6.4 -14.4 
1:12000 | IIIA+IIIB Az 7.9 217.8 E 
AX 12.9 + 8.8 -24.] 
1821/1823 Ay 49.9 + 8.0 +20.8 
AZ +9.0 123.8 160.6 
Some points are missing from the comparison. For 8 of the points marked on the 
air photographs (127, 177, 406, 407, 408, 414, 150, 155) geodetic coordinates 
were not received. Five of them (177, 406, 407, 408, 414) were targeted points 

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