Full text: Actes du onzième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (fascicule 9)

Area No. 3 - HIRAN Controlled Mapping Photography (HCP) (925 Sq. mi.) 
HCP was to be obtained in the same manner as that required for 
Area No. 2, except that flight lines were to be N-S. These lines 
(300-310) cover 299 linear miles (See Figure 3). 
The original specifications called for the Wild RC-9 (with 
88 mm Super Aviogon lens) to be used for Visual Mapping Photographic 
coverage of Area 1. The Wild RC-8 (6" Aviogon lens) was to be used 
for the Special HIRAN controlled flights over Area 1. The RC-8 
camera was to be used for HIRAN controlled mapping photography over 
Âreas 2 and 3. Because of the expected poor weather conditions in 
Liberia (only 5 or 6 days of good flying weather were expected 
during the entire 4% months dry season), and because of the known 
limitations of panchromatic film under such conditions, AMS 
personnel decided to fly a different approach, using Infrared Film 
(for better haze penetration). It was therefore decided that: 
l. KC-1B 6" 9 x 9 camera lenses should be refocused for 
Infrared Film, for HCP 20,000 foot missions. 
2. Flight altitude should be reduced from 20,000 feet to 11,600 
feet for the Visual Mapping Photo missions (using super wide angle 
lens cameras with panchromatic film). 
3. Responsibility for the airborne portions of the survey 
should be assigned to the 1370th Photo Mapping Wing, Military 
Airlift Command. 

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