Full text: Actes du onzième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (fascicule 9)

Following a series of planning meetings involving Defense 
Intelligence Agency (Mapping and Charting); Military Airlift Command; 
Army Map Service; 1370th Photo Mapping Wing; USAF (Wright-Patterson 
Air Force Base); and Engineer Topographic Laboratories, an Air Force 
contract was let in May 1967 to obtain the following services: e é 
Item 1 - 2 ea GFP KC-3 (88 mm Super Aviogon Lens) cameras to 
be repaired, reconditioned, and modifíed to accept 
and operate properly with standard KC-1B type 
magazines (i.e. with flat platen) 
Item 2 - 4 ea, GFB KC-1B (6") cameras each to be re-focused for 
use with Type lA Class K Infrared Film (EK Type 5424) 
Item 3 - One (1) years operating spares for Item 1. 
Item 4 - Distortion calibrations to be performed on each camera 
and calibration certificates furnished AMS. 
All cameras were to be delivered to Forbes Air Force Base by 15 July é e 
1967. Upon receipt of the cameras, 1370th PMW personnel were to: 
install them in an RC-130 aircraft for flight testing over the 
Phoenix Control Area; have crew training on camera operation completed 
and film processing techniques finalized prior to deployment to 
By mid-June, camera modification efforts were behind schedule 
by 30 days, with delivery of the 4 modified KC-1B cameras (newly 
designated as KC-8's) having slipped to 15 August, and the

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