The newly independent developing nations, as well
as the highly industrialized states, place an ever-increasing
demand on the presently available natural resources. The
expanding use and fast consumption of our resources make it
necessary to explore the unknown and inaccessible parts of the
world in the hope of finding new areas for agriculture, hydro
electric power sites, communication routes, forest reserves,
oil and minerals.
In recent years, the policy-making bodies in many
countries have become more conscious of the fact that suitable
maps are an essential prerequisite to effective exploration
and orderly development planning of a region. This awareness
was probably brought about by the spectacular achievements in
mapping the moon, prior to sending of a manned space vehicle.
That costly mapping exercise dramatically brought to the
attention of the planners, as well as the ordinary tax payers,
the need for mapping as a first step to exploration and develop-
A large percentage of the unexplored areas of the
world lie in tropical and inaccessible regions with weather
conditions unfavourable to aerial photography. The obstacles