Several official committee reports and board pro-
nouncements during the 1950s and earlier have stated
the lack of a large scale map system in Norway, as
well as the need for a more informative survey of
areas basic to plant production and their distribution
on the individual farm units. Extended experiments
to meet these requests were started by the Department
for Agricultural Development in 1960.
Signalizing property boundary points for photo-
grammetric mapping had previously given unsatis-
factory results, among other reasons because land
owners failed to support the project. One main task
therefore was to find out with which accuracy points
not directly visible in the photographs could be map-
ped under various conditions, and the most suitable
method for this mapping procedure.
The experiments in mapping property boundary
lines have been performed in cooperation with the
Institute for Geodesy and Photogrammetry, The
Technical University of Norway, Trondheim, under
the supervision of Professor J. Holsen, who is also
responsible for the experiment report.
A brief preliminary report was drafted for the Tenth
International Congress of Photogrammety 1964. Civil
Engineer O. Qfsti, who has carried out the major
part of the research program, here presents a more
extensive excerpt from the experiment report.
O. Einevoll
Department for Agricultural Development, As, Norway.