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more to the final standard error than the different
photogrammetric operations do together. This leads
to the suspicion that it should be possible to improve
the result without changing the photogrammetric pro-
cedure, by using the best possible field operators and,
which probably is the most important, not letting them
hurry up in the work but using patience. It is also
important, seen from this point of view, to get the
best possible photo-material.
Another source of errors of the same kind as the
identification error, is the visual transfer of the points
from the paper copy to the diapositive. Hurrying up
the operator will also here easily cause errors greater
than the standard error, while patient work will give
sufficient accuracy. A stereoscopic method for point
transfer outside the restitution instrument is therefore
The identification errors may be divided in two
kinds: First the cases when the field operator has
found the place in the photograph where he is
standing, but prick in another detail than intended.
Most of the errors between s, and 15 m is supposed
to have that reason. This group will also include the
cases when the stereo operator could not decide
whether the prick was intended to refer to a treetop
or a detail on the ground. No informations followed
from the field operator to help the stereo operator in
such cases. The second kind is when the operator has
failed in localizing himself. Most of the errors ex-
ceeding 15 m belongs to this category, and occur
mainly in dense and homogeneous forest, which also
the table confirms.
The value of s, for scale 1 : 15 000 VA from Table
I and Table II is 2.73 m and 2.60 m respectively. The
errors of the control coordinates are included in both,
but as the control for the latter one is terrestrially
measured, this error is here smaller than for the first
one. Hence, by reducing the first one with s, — 0.70 m,
they can directly be compared:
From Idd: SPoy (2.73? — 0.70?) 2.64m
From Radoy: 5poy 2.60m
Thus the results from two independent tests coin-
cide very well, which gives higher significanse to the
figures. The percentage of gross errors are, however,
2.8 96 and 1.1 % respectively, but this difference
may be accidental as the total number in this group
is relatively small.
Even if the standard error found in these investiga-
tions could be accepted for a mapping purpose, seems
the method, owing to a number of errors larger than
3s of about 6 % of the total number, hardly ac-
ceptable. But before giving up the method because
of that, should it be compared with the other possible
methods and tried to be improved.
Investigation into the correlation between the results
for the different scale series with the same field
operator, and between the results for different opera-
tors for the same series, shows that large identifica-
tions errors are not pure accidental.
Comparing the different series, correlation coef-
ficients from 0.21 to 0.46 is found. This correlation
is not very strong, and may partly have been caused
by the field operators remembrance from series to
Comparing different field operators using the same
series of photography, correlation coefficients up to
0.81 are found. This is a remarkably high value, which
shows that a photography may be systematically inter-
preted in a wrong way. As the correlation coefficient
is dominated by the relatively large errors, the main
reason for it is probably the identification in the field.
But due to the fact that the coefficient always is
somewhat higher in y-direction (direction near ver-
tical to the base) than x-direction, the systematic
error in height setting has to be one of the reasons of
the correlation. As one stereo operator did all the
restitution work for the Idd test, this is very well
possible. This should be an evidence to the assump-
tion that information to the stereo operator about
which height the prick refers to, would improve the
Other results
A simplification of the method, by always pricking
the position of the boundary point itself, without
regard to whether the point can be recognized as a
detail or not, is triel. The result showed a decrease in
accuracy of about 30 % from the ordinary method.
The reason of that may be that the field operator is
not forced to use time to find a visible detail, and
therefore has more freedom to make a bad result.
The method of pricking unsignalized points could
be considerably simplified if the pricking could be
done in the same diapositives which is going to be
used for the restitution. This is tried using a half-
transparent plastic base for the copies, called Crona-
paque. The material itself gave some difficulties, and
the photographic quality of the copies was very bad.
Hence the result was expected to be bad, but never-
theless no significant difference from the ordinary
method appeared. Without the difficulties mentioned,
the use of this material probably would be an im-
provement. The number of gross errors, however,
would hardly decrease.
The results from Radoy (Table II) show an in-
creased accuracy by using plastic base copies. This
indicates that the error in point transfer from paper
copies to the model has been relatively high in this