Full text: Actes du 7ième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (Premier fascicule)

A. Paes Clemente. 
At the last International Congress of Photogrammetry a communication 
was given of a very important work which consisted of the photogrammetric 
survey of the large and small towns in the Portugese Metropolitan territory 
on the 1 : 1.000 and 1 : 2.000 scales (excepting Lisbon and Oporto) carried out 
by a private firm which recently finished its activity. 
Giving continuity to that programme, the Instituto Geográfico e Cadas 
tral is carrying out the survey of the city of Lisbon on the 1 : 1.000 scale 
(9.500 hect.). At the end of this year the plotting work will be finished. A 
Zeiss C5 Stereoplanigraph is being used. 
Other important photogrammetric works have also been carried out over 
Metropolitan territory during the last four years. 
The Instituto Geográfico e Cadastral, which is in charge of the geodetic 
and cartographic works concerning the whole of the Metropolitan territory, 
Azores and Madeira, has in these last years applied its chief attention, as far 
as survey is concerned, to the cadastral work, an average of 300.000 hectares a 
year having been surveyed on the 1 : 1.000, 1 : 2.000 and 1 : 5.000 scales, a 
quarter of which is done by photogrammetric processes. 
It has been recognized that in regions where large estates predominate, 
and the land is slightly undulated, the application of classic processes makes the 
surveying in Portugal more economical than by photogrammetry. When 
surveying is made to the north of the river Tagus, the characteristics of the 
land and the partition of property will be completely different; then the 
photogrammetric processes will have greater employment than the classic. 
The Instituto founds the new editions of its chorographic maps (1 : 50.000 
and 1 : 100.000 scales) on cadastral survey; on the same base it has started pu 
blishing a General Map on 1 : 10.000 scale, in which the cultivations are repre 
Two Zeiss C5 Stereoplanigraphs, two Wild A5 Autographs and two Zeiss 
focus, 20,4 and 10 cm cameras are being used by the Instituto in its plotting 
The “Serviços Cartográficos do Exécito” have developed in these last four 
years great activity in order to produce the Military Map of Portugal, on the 
1 : 25.000 scale, using a Wild A5 and a Multiplex Zeiss. 
This map will have 612 sheets. It was begun in 1937 and the plotting work 
will be finished next year. During the last four years 152 sheets were produced. 
In our overseas territories important photogrammetric works are being 
executed by our Overseas Department. 
The most important are the surveying required for the General Map of 
Angola (1.200.000 km 2 ) on the 1 : 250.000 scale and that of the most develop 
ed territories on the 1 : 100.000 scale. 
The services are being set there, the negotiations to get the indispensable 
apparatus having already been started. 
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