Full text: Actes du 7ième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (Premier fascicule)

Prof. Dr. E. Dolezal 
Honorary President of the International Society of Photogrammetry. 
Mr. President, Ladies and Gentlemen, 
I am deeply honored and I feel especially fortunate that I have again the 
opportunity to address another International Congress of Photogrammetry 
which for the first time since the existence of the society takes place in Ame 
rica and not in Europe, not in the old world but in the new world. Before I 
amplify on this important event of our profession I wish to express my deep- 
felt thanks to the President of the International Society of Photogrammetry, 
Captain O. S. Reading, for the kind invitation to attend this Congress. How 
ever it is with deep regret that I had to decline due to my advanced age. 
The congresses are hall-marks in the development of the International 
Society of Photogrammetry. Since this congress might easily become of great 
consequence, I felt inclined to view in retrospect the various degrees of the 
development of the International Society of Photogrammetry. 
Soon after my appointment to the Technical University in Vienna, in the 
year 1907, I founded the „Austrian Society of Photogrammetry” in antcipation 
of my expectations of the rapid development of photogrammetry in order to 
gather interested specialists in this field for the common work. By the follow 
ing year I was able to publish the “Internationales Archiv fur Photogramme- 
trie” as the first professional review of photogrammetry. Due to the influence 
of that event, the foundation of the section “Laussodat” of the “Société Fran 
çaise de Photography” took place the next year and was followed in 1909 by 
the founding of the “German Society of Photogrammetry” at Jana. More and 
more national branches were organized, although their members still belonged 
to the Austrian Society. In 1910 I reorganized the Austrian Society into the 
International Society of Photogrammetry. The “Austrian Society” was the 
first national branch admitted into this International Society, followed by the 
“German Society” as its second branch. In September 1931 I convened the first 
International Congress of Photogrammetry at Vienna, at which 400 photo- 
grammetrists and interested scientists took part from almost all Euopean 
countries. Germany, France and Austria pointly participated in an exhibition 
supplementing the congress. Particular interest was shown in the first auto 
matic plotting apparatus, the „Stereo-autograph” by Orel, built by Zeiss and in 
the “Panorama camera with transformation apparatus” by Scheimpflug. Lec 
tures by Scheimpflug envisaged the possibility and practicability of a success 
ful economic exploration of colonial countries and unsurveyed area by a com 
plete interpretation of aerial photographs. 
This first congress was a very promising beginning and a magnificent base 
for international cooperation. Unfortunately this achievement was interrupted 
by the first world war and thereafter all international activities were suspended 
for many years. Nevertheless I was able to continue the publication of further 
volumes of the International Archiv of Photogrammetry. At my instignation 
the second International Congress of Photogrammetry was held in 1926 at 
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