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L. Ray Smart, Program Director. c l ue re P c
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Mr. President, Ladies and gentlemen: ^
8 Veuillez ei
I wish to call to your attention at this time a general program summary vous trouv
and elaborate somewhat on the facilities available to you during the Seventh placee con
Congress: Des c
First I shall mention the program: we hope to be able to maintain our votre enve
schedule of speakers, tours and social events throughout the Congress. Each Veuill
Commission president will preside for his respective technical sessions and he
has been asked to retain his speakers for that session as listed in the printed
program rather than shift a speaker to another session.
We ask your cooperation to please register for the tours of your choice
well in advance of the tour itself. This may be done at the registration desk
in the main lobby. None of us will be admitted to any of the Military Mapping
agencies without registering first. Please hold on to your printed programs.
We are not in a position to replace them.
I shall now mention some of the facilities available to you. These facilities
incidently are listed in the program but I thought mentioning them here again
would help. First, there are members of all Committees on hand to assist you.
We have a mail center for your use at the West Elevator-please feel free to use
these cabinets for storage and etc. You will find an up-to-the-minute listing of
all delegates by countries in the West Lobby.
Copies of reports and papers that arrived too late for inclusion in your
envelope may be obtained in the Lower West Room.
Please call on us for any further assistance.
Mons. L. Ray Smart, Directeur de Programme.
Monsieur le President, Mesdames, Mesdemoiselles, Messieurs!
Je me permets de demander votre attention cette fois-ci à un sommaire du
programme et de vous donner une vue aux facilités que vous pourrez obtenir
pendant le septième Congrès. Premièrement je vous nommerai ce programme.
Nous espérons de pouvoir maintenir notre plan des orateurs, des tours et des
réunions sociaux pendant tout le Congrès.
Le président de chaque commission présidera ses sessions techniques res
pectives. Ils sont priés de tenir au programme imprimé. Quant aux orateurs on
prie les présidents de ne les échanger pas à d’autres sessions. Nous demandons
votre coopération à bien vouloir enrégistrer d’avance pour les tours auquels
vous désirez à assister. A notre bureau d’enrégistration dans la halle centrale