Full text: Actes du 7ième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (Premier fascicule)

ications for mem 
am (1) The Cana- 
Society of Photo- 
iartered Surveyors, 
of Israel, (5) The 
¡rammetric Society 
) full participation 
resolutions of the 
lgress has been the 
s a test procedure 
be compared. The 
and indeed made 
ut the world, 
pecification has by 
asure of success by 
nd discussion. The 
the difficult situa- 
lis field so that the 
iatisfactory level, 
ting a specification 
pecification certain 
tention to the pos- 
uggested for atten- 
omplete agreement 
camera mountings. 
: desirable that the 
lependently define 
rnational Scientific 
reement with those 
>n on Optics which 
r Commission I. 
Calibrating Photo- 
e Illumination, and 
ional Reporters be 
ontinual review by 
)f navigation are in 
contact navigation, 
and instrument navigational methods, and whereas only a few of these have 
been treated briefly during this Congress although they have a great bearing 
on the efficiency of aerial survey, therefore be it resolved that: One of the 
activities of Commission I shall be the stimulation of a mutual comparison of 
navigational methods for aerial photography in the non-military field, with 
special regard to the efficiency of these methods for aerial survey.” 
Specification of Methods 
of Calibrating Photogrammetric Cameras and 
Measuring their Resolution, Image Illumination and Veiling Glare. 
For consideration at the September 1952 Meeting of the 
International Society of Photogrammetry. 
This specification is intended to establish permissable laboratory methods 
for determining the optical properties of photogrammetric cameras. To facili 
tate consideration and adoption of the specification, it has been kept as short 
and as simple as is consistent with adequate exactitude and the subjects covered 
have been limited to the four listed in the title. 
This specification contains definitions of photogrammetric terms to the 
extent that such definitions are required by the purpose of the specification. 
Since only the testing of real cameras is dealt with, these definitions are entire 
ly technological in form. They do not deal with the mathematical simplifica 
tions of photogrammetry nor with the imaginary concept of a perfectly made 
camera without manufacturing errors. They define the major properties of a 
real camera in the presence of unavoidable manufacturing inaccuracies and 
give unambiguous names to the errors produced by these inaccuracies. 
Considerable variations in test procedures have been permitted within the 
scope of the specification. These variations are certainly undesirable. Elowever, 
it must be remembered that this international specification necessarily repre 
sents a compromise between various well-established national test procedures. 
It seems better to have an international specification with a few alternatives 
included than to have no international specification at all. The alternatives 
permitted — chiefly in type of resolving power target — represent a conside 
rable reduction from all the variations which are currently in use, and their 
specification will tend to prevent the development of further variations. The 
specification once established will undoubtedly be revised and improved from 
time to time and a single procedure will eventually be found suitable. 
This specification has been prepared on the assumption that tests will be 
carried out under the supervision of scientists experienced in the field of 
optical and photographic measurements. Hence, it does not specify the quality 
of the equipment which shall be used nor the procedural details necessary to 
obtain correct results. A few explanatory and warning notes are included in 
the specification where the philosophy or procedure may be unfamiliar in

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