Full text: Actes du 7ième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (Premier fascicule)

reconstruction of natural or man-made features of cultural value. The Italian 
delegation promises to ask the Italian representation in UNESCO to make a 
proposal that such an activity should be started as soon as possible on an inter 
national basis.” 
There was no discussion and the resolutions were carried unanimously. 
Dr. Neumaier read the resolutions of Commission VI — Education, Ter 
minology, Bibliography 
“A. Concerning the polyglot dictionary the following resolutions were ap 
proved by the final plenary session: 
1. The leading language of the polyglot dictionary should be English, 
2. The extent and the number of words to be included in the dictionary 
should be left to the discretion of the editors. However, due consideration 
should be given to suggestions of national societies contributing to the compi 
lation of the dictionary. 
3. In editing the polyglot dictionary the proper agencies of UNESCO should 
be approached for advice to standards in editing international dictionaries. 
B. Concerning the bibliography of photogrammetric literature and 
Each national society should prepare annually a bibliography of all photo 
grammetric literature published and patents applied for in their country. The 
bibliography and list of patents should be forwarded annually to the chairman 
of Commission VI. 
The titles of the bibliography or list of patents should be followed by a 
concise resume of the contents in at least two languages, one of them preferably 
in English.” 
There was no discussion and the resolutions were carried unanimously. 
Lieutenant Commander Colwell read the resolutions of Commission VII 
— Photo-Interpretation. 
1. Whereas: It is evident that present-day photo interpreters in many 
fields are working with generally inadequate equipment, and 
Whereas: their needs in many cases are for simple, low-priced equipment 
not necessarily having a high order of precision, therefore be it 
Resolved: that the manufacturers of photographic and projection equip 
ment, stereoscopes, stereomicrometers, “loupes” and magnifying glasses, pre 
cision measuring scales, stereoscopic plotting instruments, drafting equipment 
and supplies, and equipment for examining diapositives, be reminded of the 
photo interpreters’ needs and encouraged to improve the quality and design of 
their products to better meet such needs. 
2. Whereas: The relatively large attendance at the Commission VII ses 
sions has indicated a very wide interest in the subject of photo interpretations, 
Whereas: it has been noted in the case of various periodicals that those 
issues which stress photo interpretation are sold readily to non-subscribers, 
therefore be it 
Resolved: that selected Commission VII papers be published in various 
suitable periodicals in the near future and that a maximum effort be made to 
include all Commission VII papers in the forthcoming issue of the Internati 
onal Archives of Photogrammetry. 
3. Whereas: Much progress in the development of improved photo inter-

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