Full text: Actes du 7ième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (Premier fascicule)

pretation techniques, equipment, and devices is expected in the future, and 
Whereas: it is noted that governmental organizations outside the military 
devote little or no funds to the support of continuing basic and applied re 
search in the interpretation and use of aerial photographs, therefore be it 
Resolved: that the governments of all member nations be advised of the 
benefits which might accrue from such research, and that it be strongly recom 
mended that they make adequate funds and personnel available for such work 
within their own existing research organizations. 
4. Whereas: This 1952 World Congress marks the inauguration of Com 
mission VII, devoted to the presentation of subject matter relative to photo 
interpratation, and 
Whereas: the experience gained at this Congress is deemed to be of value 
to future officers of Commission VII, therefore be it 
Resolved: that the following recommendations from the current Com 
mission VII participants be made available to those charged with Commission 
VII activities at the next World Congress: 
a. the sub-division of Commission VII subject matter into 3 phases, 
(Natural Resource Inventories, Engineering Applications, and Military Intel 
ligence), appears to be both logical and desirable. 
b. the time allotment of approximately 3 hours for presentation of papers 
under each of these 3 phases of Commission VII, appears to be both necessary 
and sufficient. 
c. maximum effort be made, by future Commission VII officers and dele 
gates, to obtain from all parts of the World accurate reports on progress in 
photo interpretation in order to exploit fully this unusual opportunity for an 
international exchange of ideas.” 
On completion of the reading of the resolutions of Commission VII, Com 
mander Colwell stated that the wished to read additional resolutions which had 
been proposed from the floor by Mr. Simonson of the Bureau of Public Roads 
and adopted by the interpretation group. The first of these resolutions was as 
“Whereas: the use of air-photo interpretation is practically limited, 
Whereas: the application of information of aerial photographs is not 
widely enough known, 
Whereas: the shortage of engineering manpower is critical, 
Therefore, he it resolved, that the International Society of Protogrammetry 
in its Seventh Congress assembled at Washington, D.C., recommends that each 
National Society of Photogrammetry in the several countries take positive 
action on the following in order that photo interpretation in engineering may 
be advanced and expanded. 
1. Study the overall possibilities of photo interpretation in the field of 
2. Take appropriate steps to place the findings from such survey before 
public and private organizations that may benefit therefrom. 
3. Promote and encourage in service training in photo interpretation so 
that better engineering results may be obtained in less time, at less cost, with 
less manpower. 
Prior to reading the last of the resolutions proposed by Mr. Simonson, 
Commander Colwell stated that there had been some discussion as to whether 

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