Full text: Actes du 7ième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (Premier fascicule)

this might properly be under Commission VI rather than Commission VII. 
“Whereas: air photo interpretation is dependent on the scale of photo 
Whereas: the representation of scales used in photo interpretation is dif 
ferent from that used in engineering plans; 
Whereas: lack of uniformity in expressing scales of measurements increases 
misunderstanding and confusion in application of photo interpretation in 
Therefore, he it resolved, that the International Society of Photogrammetry, 
in its Seventh Congress assembled, at Washington, D.C., recommends that each 
National Society of Photogrammetry in the several countries consider the 
adoption of the following standards for a umform method or style to express 
scales of measurement. 
1. When referencing smaller or larger scales to a designated scale ratio, 
such as one to 20.000, the smaller scales are in the direction of the larger figu 
res, as one to 25.000, one to 62.500, and so forth; and the larger scales are in 
the direction of the smaller figures, as one to 10.000, one to 5.000 and so forth. 
2. When cross referencing the scales of photography and engineering 
plans, the equivalent of the two scales should be in accordance with this stand 
ard representation as, for example, one to 12.000; or one thousand feet to one 
inch, or, for example, one to six thousand, or five hundred feet to one inch.” 
General Hurault, Director of the Institut Géographique National read the 
following objection: 
“The field of aerial photo interpretation being extremely vast, and being 
of interest to a great number of scientific people, of various sciences, the Con 
gress of Photogrammetry could not gather qualified and competent techni 
cians in all of those sciences without being a congress which would be at the 
same time a Congress for Physical Geography, Human Geography, Agri 
culture, Forestry, Geology, et cetera. Consequently, it is proposed that the 
resolution for the operation of Commission VII be limited to the studies of 
methods and instruments which would enable to facilitate photo-interpreta 
tion, and to a few characteristic examples of photo-interpretation, particular 
emphasis being made on topographic and cartographic interpretation; the use 
of data given by photo interpretation should be left to competent experts in 
the various sciences concerned.” 
Lieutenant Commander Colwell: This matter which has just been propos 
ed as a substitute resolution for the portion which I read to you as Resolution 
4 (a), I would like to comment on briefly. 
First, I might read once more Resolution 4 (a), and invite to the attention 
of succeeding Commission VII officers this bit of experience from present 
Commission VII participants, namely, the subdivision of Commission VII sub 
ject matter into three phases: 
Natural resources inventories, engineering applications, and military in 
telligence appears to be both logical and desirable. 
As I understand General Hurault’s subsitute proposal, it would be to the 
effect that we abandon thought of presenting specific photo-interpretation 
technique in these many sciences that he has enumerated. 
In commenting on that this morning, I pointed out that the experience 
which several of us have had at these Commission VII symposia at this World

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