time with no salaries, and I would like at this time to thank them for helping
us during this Congress.
In addition to the Committee, of course, I want to thank each of the dele
gates here for their fine cooperation. It has been a wonderful group to work
with and to work for. We hope we have served well; the Commissions have
carried the program pretty much on schedule, actually better than we had
anticipated. We wish to thank the National Societies who have given us fine
cooperation and much help, the exhibitors — I can’t say too much for those
people. They did a wonderful job. They had their exhibits up. They were on
the job throughout the Congress, and they have practically moved out.
I would like to elaborate just a little bit on Mr. Cude’s report for the
registration. The figure that Mr. Cude gave you is correct. However, I would
like to say that that list will grow before next Tuesday afternoon at Bolling
In that connection, I would like to say that Captain Reading and I dis
cussed the matter as to when we should publish the list of delegates who have
been at this Congress. It was my feeling and his concurrence and also the con
currence of a number I talked to individually that it would be better to publish
this list after the Congress because in that way we would be able to list every
individual who came to the Seventh Congress.
So at this time, I would like to request those who would like a list of all
of the delegates and their addresses to leave your name on the little card you
can obtain at the registration desk, eiher here at the Shoreham or at Bolling
Flied on Monday and Tuesday.
President Reading: We now proceed with the announcement of the new
Council elected at the delegate meeting. Professor Baeschlin and Professor
Cassinis have both expressed to me their desire to be relieved of the duties of
the Council because of their health or their other pressing interests which make
it impracticable for them to serve in the years to come. As the International
statutes provide, I become a member of the Council as retiring President. We
are very happy that Major General Brown, Director of the Ordnance Survey
of Great Britain and Chief of the British Delegation, agreed to serve as a mem
ber of the new Council.
Professor Schermerhorn and Mr. Janicot also agreed to serve and we are
very happy to have these strong members continue.
The delegate meeting also decided on the following assignments of the
technical Commissions:
Committee I — France
Committee II — Switzerland
Committee III — Benelux
Committee IV — Canada
Committee V — Italy
Committee VI — Austria
Committee VII — United States.
It now becomes the duty of the meeting to discuss the invitation to the
next Congress. I would like to call on Professor Hallert of Sweden.
Mr. Hallert: Mr. President, Ladies and Gentlemen. I am going to present
a letter to the International Society of Photogrammetry, Washington, D.C.