Full text: Actes du 7ième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (Premier fascicule)

in charge of the technical visists, and, above all, the reception committee, Mes 
dames Smart and Davidson. We owe these ladies special thanks and also, on the 
behalf of the visiting ladies from abroad, we thank the Women’s Committee 
under its President, Mrs Reading. We are sure that the all too few ladies coming 
from Europe have greatly appreciated the way in which the Comittee has in 
troduced them to the American way of life and shown them the attractions of 
the Federal Capital. 
We must also return the warmest thanks to those of our American friends 
who have received us, at the end of days which have been as full of work for 
them as for us, in their places of business for technical visits. We have appre 
ciated all the efforts which have been made to give us an idea of the importance 
of the resources put to work in the United States for the furtherance of the 
study which is dear to us all. We thank Dr. Wrather, the Director of the Geo 
logical Survey and his colleagues, Mr. M. Fitzgerald and Mr. Davidson for the 
interesting visit to the Trimetrogon Section, where each member was able to 
spend time in those rooms which were most concerned with his branch of the 
subject; Admiral Studds, Captain O. S. Reading and their assistants in the Coast 
and Geodetic Survey for the detailed visit which we made to the Division of 
Photogrammetry, where we did not fail to admire the splendid photograph of 
New York and its sky-scrapers taken with the nine lens camera; Admiral Moss 
and Captains McElroy and Hobbs, for the exhibition set out in the Marine 
Photographic Centre as well as for the showing of an instructive film illustrat 
ing certain problems of vision. 
Our thanks also go to the organisers of the two visiting days, that of last 
Wednesday to the Army Establishments and that of yesterday to those of the 
Air Force; to General Scott who has kindly received so many members of the 
Congress at Fort Belvoir; to my old friend Colonel Herbert Milwit; to Mr. 
Cude, the perfect organiser of a model visit; to Colonel Fadd and his collea- 
ques of the A.M.S., Colonels Fawton and Slattum. We also thank Colonel Crow, 
commanding officer of the base at Bolling Field, and Mr. James Deeg who 
presided over the days spent at this aerodrome. 
We can truly say that all of you who have had any responsibility for the 
organisation of the VII Congress have succeeded to perfection in your under 
taking. All the' delegates have greatly appreciated the smiling courtesy and 
solicitude with which they have been met on every side and they return their 
warmest thanks. 
This Congress has not only made its contribution to the science which is 
dear to us all through the fruitful contacts which we have been able to make, 
but it has also played its part in increasing our admiration for and gratitude to 
the United States of America whose guests we have been. 
J’ai à remplir un devoir très agréable, celui d’exprimer aux organisateurs 
de ce Congrès, au nom de tous les délégués des nombreuses nations qui sont 
venus à Washington des points les plus reculés de notre globe, nos remercie 
ments pour la façon dont ils ont rempli leur tâche.

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