Full text: Actes du 7ième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (Premier fascicule)

1:6,000 and 9,000 square miles (23,000 km 2 ) at intervening scales. Eagle V 
cameras in a tri-camera mount photographed 48,000 square miles (120,000 km 2 ) 
at a scale of 1:54,000 for the vertical camera and about 20,000 square miles 
(52,000 km 2 ) at larger scales. A specially built 4|" ground camera mounted on 
a light transit was used to obtain ground control over 164,000 square miles 
(420,000 km 2 ). 
For planimetric mapping, 250,000 square miles (650,000 km 2 ) were photo 
graphed at a scale of 1:40,000 using the 6" Eagle IX and the 6" Ordnance Survey 
Camera, and a further 8,600 square miles (22,000 km 2 ) at a scale of 1:60,000 
with the 6" Ordnance Survey Camera. 
For forestry purposes 185,000 square miles (480,000 km 2 ) were photographed 
at 1:16,000 with the 6" K17B, and 38,000 square miles (98,000 km 2 ) at the same 
scale with the 6" Eagle IX and the 6" Ordnance Survey Camera. An additional 
8,800 square miles (23,000 km 2 ) were photographed at scales from 1:12,000 to 
1:16,000 using the K17B camera with lenses of 6" and 12" focal length. 
1,600 square miles (4,100 km 2 ) were photographed for geological and geo 
physical purposes at a scale of 1:32,000 using the 6" Eagle IX. 
A total area of 916,000 square miles (2,400,000 km 2 ) has been photographed 
in the four year period. 
Photography in the British Isles for topographic mapping has covered 
35,000 square miles (91,000 km 2 ) at various scales for a number of specific 
purposes. 20,000 square miles (52,000 km 2 ) have been photographed at a scale 
of 1:27,000, and 6,000 square miles (16,000 km 2 ) at a scale of 1:10,000 for revision 
of small scale maps. Cameras used were the Williamson F52 with a 7" x 84" 
format, and a 10 or 20 inch lens, the Fairchild K17, or the Fairchild K8 (format 
7|" x 9|"). The F52 camera with a 10 inch lens or the 6" K17 camera has been 
used to photograph 1,567 miles (2,500 km) of coast line at scales of 1:20,000 
or 1:40,000. 500 square miles (1,300 km 2 ) were photographed at a scale of 
1:2,500 for revised maps of towns. For this work the Williamson Eagle JX 
camera was used with a 10 inch or a 20 inch lens. The same camera with a 10 
inch or 12 inch lens has been used to photograph 1,500 square miles (3,900 km 2 ) 
at a scale of 1:7,750 to produce revised maps of rural areas. An additional 850 
square miles (2,200 km 2 ) has been photographed at various scales. 
Other aerial photography at various scales has included 900 square miles 
(2,300 km 2 ) for general development, 98 square miles (250 km 2 ) for engineering, 
and 32 square miles (83 km 2 ) for town planning. 
An area of 880,000 square miles (2,300,000 km 2 ) has been photographed 
outside the British Isles by British organizations. 
A total area of 837,000 square miles (2,160,000 km 2 ) has been photographed 
for topographic mapping and general development. About 832,000 square miles 
(2,150,000 km 2 ) have been photographed at scales between 1:24,000 and 1:40,000, 
mostly with the 6" K17 camera although the Ordnance Survey Camera, the 
Eagle IX, and the F49 Mk II were used for some of the work. At 1:20,000 
scale, 370 square miles (960 km 2 ) were photographed with the Eagle IX. At 
scales between 1:10,000 and 1:16,000 an area of 4,400 square miles (11,000 km 2 ) 

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