Full text: Actes du 7ième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (Premier fascicule)

1:20,000 and 1:30,000, 521,000 km 2 (201,000 square miles) were covered. 495,000 
km 2 (190,000 square miles) of this were photographed with the Poivilliers SOM 
plate camera, the earlier work being done with the model which carried 192 
plates, each 13 x 18 cm, and the later work with the type using 96 plates, each 
19 x 19 cm. Most of the remainder was photographed with the Poivilliers 
125 mm focal length 19 x 19 cm film camera except for 270 km 2 (100 square miles) 
which were photographed with the SFOM film camera Type 33 which has a 
focal length of 150 mm and a format of 170 x 235 mm. At scales between 
1:8,000 and 1:10,000, 60,600 km 2 (23,400 square miles) were photographed. 
54,800 km 2 (21,000 square miles) of this were taken with the 18 x 18 cm Cadastro 
Gallus plate camera of 200 mm focal length; 4,500 km 2 (1,700 square miles) with 
the SOM plate camera; 1,100 km 2 (390 square miles) with the SOM film camera; 
and 168 km 2 (65 square miles) with the SFOM Type 33 camera. 
For cadastral survey a total area of 6,100 km 2 (2,350 square miles) were 
photographed at scales between 1:2,000 and 1:10,000. 
For reconstruction and town planning photography was carried out over 
an area of 13,100 km 2 (5,070 square miles). Of this 10,700 km 2 (4,100 square 
miles) were photographed at a scale of 1:5,000; 2,300 km 2 (900 square miles) 
at a scale of 1:10,000; and 80 km 2 (30 square miles) at a scale of 1:1,500. All 
this photography was done with a Zeiss film camera of focal length 50 cm and 
format size 30 x 30 cm. 
For preparation of photomosaics 120,000 km 2 (46,000 square miles) were 
photographed at a scale of 1:15,000. Cameras used were the K17 and the 
Planiphote film and plate camera of 18 x 24 cm format with focal lengths of 
300 and 500 mm. 
For hydro-electric purposes 270 km 2 (104 square miles) were photographed. 
240 km 2 (92 square miles) of this were photographed from the air using the 
Poivilliers SOM or the Wild camera to obtain scales between 1:2,000 and 1:10,000. 
About 30 km 2 (12 square miles) were photographed on the ground with the Zeiss 
or Wild phototheodolite at scales from 1:200 to 1:2,000. 
In the four year period 6,700 km 2 (2,600 square miles) were covered. 
Photography for planning, forestry, mining, and bog cultivation has covered 
2,200 km 2 (850 square miles) at scales from 1:6,500 to 1:15,000. Cameras used 
for this were the Zeiss RMK P21/1818 and Rb 20/30, the W ild RC-5 and the 
12" Eagle IX. Photography for controlled mosaics for forestry and regional 
planning covered 4,500 km 2 (1,700 square miles) at a scale of 1:15,000. 1 his 
was done with the Eagle IX. 
India has used aerial photography for topography, geology, forestry, town 
planning, and cadastral survey. .The total area covered since 1948 has been 
about 104,000 square miles (270,000 km 2 ). Scales have varied between 1:50,000 
and 1:2,000. Cameras used were the W illiamson 6" Eagle IX Marks I and II, 
the Williamson 12" and 20" F52, the Williamson F8 and the F24.

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