Full text: Actes du 7ième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (Premier fascicule)

Second Session, Saturday, 6 September, 1952 11.45—12.30 
Practical Tests Of Silver Halide Papers For Aerial Photography — Mr. J. Cru- 
set — France. 
The National Bureau of Standards Test Chart — Dr. F. E. Washer — U.S.A. 
The Experimental Evaluation Of Lens Performance — Dr. I. C. Gardner — 
Astrophotographic Lens Testing — Mr. W. Jaschek — Austria. 
Topar Lens 1 : 4, Focal Length 219 mm for 18X18 cm Aerial Camera — Dr. 
Robert Richter — Germany. 
Investigations On The Shrinkage Of Aerial Film — Dr. W. Brucklacher — 
On The Navigation Of Extensive Photo Flights — Dr. W. Brucklacher — 
Methods And Equipment For Control Of Distortion And Classification Of 
The Principal Point Of Photogrammetric Objectives — Officine Galileo 
— Italy. 
Adjustment And Calibration Of The Nine Lens Camera Of The U.S. Coast 
And Geodetic Survey — Mr. G. C. Tewinkel — U.S.A. 
Study Of Image Movement Effects On Aerial Photographs — Mr. Jean Cruset 
— France. 
The New Wide Angle Objective Avigon And Its Effect Upon The Economics 
Of Aerial Photogrammetry — 
Oblique And Panoramic Photography On Horizontal Plates — Mr. A. Lapeyre 
— France. 
Development In Photogrammetric Plotting Apparatus — Mr. J. E. Odle — 
The Group Of The Photographic Squadrons Of The National Geographic In 
stitute — Mr. J. Cruset — France. 
Investigations On The Wild-Objective — Dr. R. David — Switzerland. 
Third Session, Monday, 8 September, 1952 9.00—10.40 
Atmospheric Conditioning For Air Film Exposure — Mr. Norman Jones — 
New Investigations of Curved Focal Plates — Dr. A. Frey Samsioe and Dr. P. 
H. Tham — Sweden. 
Aerial Cameras With Morror Optics — Mr. A. Bouwers and Mr. J. J. Van der 
Sande — Netherlands. 
Radar Profile Methods (Film) — Mr. S. Jowitt — Canada. 
Realization, Utilization and Applications of a Simultaneous Electronic Control 
Device For Two Cameras Aboard Two Airplanes Flying Together — Mr. 
J. Cruset — France. 
Improvements of Wild Aerial Cameras — Dr. H. Kasper — Switzerland. 
The Application Of The Gyro To Aerial Photogrammetry — Mr. K. Killian 
— Austria. 
Shoran Operations In Canada — Mr. J. E. R. Ross — Canada. 
Loss Of Illumination Of Wide Angle Objectives — Prof. D. H. Kasper — 

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