machine with a precision of 1 micron is being obtained to cover all format sizes
up to 9 inches square. This machine will also have a device for measuring the
flatness of suction backs, etc.
For instruments in which a calibrated focal length is used it is defined on
the basis of zero distortion at a distance of 5 cm off-axis for the 13 x 18 cm
negative, or a distance of 8 cm off-axis for the 19 x 19 cm negative.
The principal point used in testing is the principal point of auto-collimation.
For photographing cameras the same principal point is used but it is required in
addition that no asymmetrical distortion higher than 2 milligrads (6 sexagesimal
seconds) occur relative to it. In plotting cameras if asymmetry is present the
principal point used is the centre of symmetry for four points 90° apart at a
selected distance from the axis. In the acceptance testing of new lenses it is
required that their average distortion should not depart by more than one-half
centesimal minute (16 sexagesimal seconds) from that of a standard lens of the
same type and that they should not have more than one-half centesimal minute
(16 sexagesimal seconds) variation in distortion at any given field angle. Testing
is done with a photo-goniometer with a 2-32 metre collimator.
Camera calibration in Germany is done usually by the manufacturer but
sometimes by a government laboratory. The principal point is defined as the
point of auto-collimation. Camera calibration includes visual focussing and
measurement of principal distance and distortion by means of a goniometer
method. Some details of the concepts used in German calibration are given by
W. Roos 11 . Collimator focal lengths are 3,000 mm and 1,250 mm.
The Eagle IX cameras used in India are calibrated by the manufacturer.
Other cameras are calibrated by the user.
The Santoni and Zeiss cameras are calibrated by the manufacturer and by
the user. Calibration procedure is photographic using a collimator of 250 mm
focal length. The calibrated focal length is that which gives zero distortion at a
certain field angle. Distortion relative to this focal length is determined and
the principal point is chosen as a point of symmetry. The Nistri cameras are
calibrated in the manufacturer’s laboratory using a photographic method with
collimators of 1-50 metre focal length.
The Wild RC-5 cameras used in the Netherlands are calibrated by the
manufacturer and checked at the Delft Institute. The calibration in the
Netherlands is done with virtually the same apparatus and the same tolerances
as at the Wild factories. The principal point is determined by an auto-collima
tion method. The principal distance and the distortion are determined with a
visual goniometer as descrbed by R. Roelofs 12 . Other publications on this
subject are by H. Kasper 13M and R. David 15 . The Wild RC-7 camera and the