Fig. 13 Royal Canadian Air Force
the reciprocal of this, 160, could be used. The dimensional stability of this film
was studied in 1946 24 and it was established that film should be maintained in
equilibrium with stable conditions of temperature and humidity until exposure
was complete and should be reconditioned to the same temperature and humidity
for printing. Since then two methods of maintaining humidity as well as
temperature at the camera have been developed and tests of these have confirmed
the desirabliity of such a procedure. Final reports are not available yet.
continuous processing machine
Super XX film is developed to a gamma of between 0-9 and 1-3 in actual
use. The lower gammas in this range are used where scene contrasts are high;
for example, in mountainous regions or in winter forest photography. For
film processing continuous processing machines are in use by two organizations.
One of these is the RAF continuous processing machine; the other machines,
used by the Royal Canadian Air Force, are improved machines of the same
basic design (see Fig. 13). Changes are the use of stainless steel tanks with