Full text: Actes du 7ième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (Premier fascicule)

Rules For The Accomplishments Of Air Photogrammetric Surveys On Large 
Scales — Dr. B. Giovanni Boaga — Italy. 
On The Best Value Of The Equi-Distance In Photogrammetric Maps — Prof 
Alfredo Paroli — Italy. 
Second Session, Monday, 8 September, 1952 2.10—3.15 
The Photogrammetric Activity Of The Italian Cadastral Survey — Dr. Gio 
vanni Boaga — Italy. 
The Aerial Photogrammetric Survey For Cadastral Purpose Of The Republic 
Of S. Marino — Dr. Plácido Belfiore — Italy. 
The Photogrammetric Production Of Maps And Plans In Switzerland — 
Mr. H. Harry — Switzerland. 
The Technical And Special Maps Obtained By Re-Elaboration Of The Photo 
grammetric Cadastral Survey In Italy — Dr. Plácido Belfiore — Italy. 
Third Session, Thursday, 11 September, 1952 10.55—12.00 
The 1:10,000 Map of Rome — Dr. Giovanni Boaga — Italy 
Practical Use Of Nistri Photocartograph In Its Various Employments — 
Mr. Luigi Brizzi — Italy 
National Planning Of Large Scale Photogrammetric Surveys For Their Greater 
Development In The World — Dr. J. Sutor — Germany. 
The Archeological Map Of Rome — Dr. Giovanni Boaga — Italy. 
Special Applications and Measurements — Such as for Aviation, Ballistics, 
Construction, Volume inventories, Medical and Dental Studies, Criminology, 
President: Prof. Bertil Hallert, Sweden 
Secretary: Dr. Per Olof Fagerholm, Sweden 
First Session, Friday, 5 September, 1952 2.30—3.45 
Introductory Remarks — Prof. Bertil Hallert — Sweden. 
Röntgen Photogrammetry In Germany — Prof. Dr. Kohnle — Germany. 
Compilations of Numerical And Volumetric Inventories In Non-Contempo- 
raneous Italian Beech Woods By Use Of A New Method, Including Photo 
grammetric Restitution By a Galileo Santoni III Stereocartograph — Dr. 
Duilio Cosmo — Italy. 
Second Session, Tuesday, 9 September, 1952 2.00—3.20 
Theoretical Accuracy Of Laying Down Stereophotogrammetric Bearings Of 
Trajectories Of Projectiles And Bombs by Classical Procedures — Com 
mander Luigi Ronca — Italy. 
Stereophotogrammetry And Studies of Movement — Dr. M. Zeller, Switzer 
Photogeologic Interpretation Using Photogrammetric Dip Calculations — Mr. 
D. H. Elliott — U.S.A. 
Photogrammetry Of Space Orientation As A Special Case Of The General 
Equations — Mr. C. G. Manes — U.S.A. 
Bench Camera — Mr. M. Merriam — U.S.A.

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