Full text: Actes du 7ième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (Premier fascicule)

There are automatic pilots in all the IGN aircraft except the NCE-701. 
However, many of them are not satisfactory for photographic flying. On the 
B17 it is used for altitude control but directional control is manual. On the 
LEO-453P the directional automatic pilot is excellent and is exclusively used. 
Magnetic compasses used are the French B B T.-900 or the A.R.A.E.-10 in the 
NC-701 and the LEO-455P aircraft. The American B16 or B17 compass is used 
in the LEO-453P and the B17 aircraft. Gyromagnetic or “flux gate” compasses 
are used in all aircraft except the LEO-455P and the NC-701. The most com 
monly used sight is a periscopic bomb sight constructed by the French firm 
Optique et Précision de Levallois. 
Aircraft are flown either manually or by automatic pilot. Both magnetic 
and gyroscopic compasses are used. The ground glass viewfinder screen combined 
with the intervalometer serves as a drift sight. The normal barometric alti 
meter is used supplemented by a statoscope to indicate small variations in alti 
tude to the pilot. For special purposes a radar altimeter is used. 
The DH Dominie is flown manually. The Dakota is flown by automatic 
pilot. An A6 compass is used. The drift sight is a viewfinder with an engraved 
ground glass screen. The altimeter is of the standard aircraft mechanical pressure 
measuring type. 
All aircraft are flown manually for photography although some of them are 
equipped with automatic pilot. The drift sight used is the OMI Cinederivometer. 
KLM Aerial Surveys generally use an automatic pilot although for short 
runs or for some low altitude flying the plane is flown manually. One or two 
independent magnetic compasses are used and a further “flux gate” compass. 
Two drift sights are used, a simple sight with a large ground glass and the 
regulating drift sight on the Wild RC-5 and RC-7 cameras. The Kollsman alti 
meter is used. The use of the Decca position indicator is under study. Trial 
flights have been made and other flights will follow. Decca stations near London 
have been used as ground references, but because of small intersection angles 
of the hyperbole in the Netherlands a Decca survey chain will be more favourable. 
In general, an accuracy of 0-01 “lane” was reached, but not ail difficulties have 
as yet been overcome. Automatic course plotters are not under study. Photo 
graphs are linked to the Decca fix by photographing the Decometers synchron 
ously with the main camera exposure. More details will probably be available 
at the Congress.

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