Full text: Actes du 7ième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (Premier fascicule)

First Session: Thursday, 4 September, 1952, 1.20—3.20 p.m. in the Terrace 
Banquet Room of the Shoreham Hotel, Washington. 
President, L. E. Howlett 
Secretary, P. D. Carman. 
This first session consisted of a panel discussion of the specification of 
Methods of Calibrating Photogrammetric Cameras and Measuring their Reso 
lution, Image Illumination and Veiling Glare. This discussion follows. 
Dr. Howlett: 
Ladies and gentlemen, before starting the panel discussion there are several 
matters with which I would like to deal. Unfortunately, there was a delay in 
the printing of the report of Commission I, but we are assured that ample 
supplies will be on hand before the end of these meetings. In this connection I 
would like to express our very sincere thanks and appreciation to the national 
reporters who assisted us so greatly in assembling the necessary information for 
the report and in carrying out the many duties that were a necessary prelimi 
nary to this meeting. 
The principal activity of the Commission during the period since the last 
international meeting in the Netherlands has been the preparation of a specifi 
cation of methods of calibrating photogrammetric cameras, and measuring 
their resolution, image illumination, and veiling glare. This draft has been 
prepared through conversations and correspondence with the national repor 
ters of all countries, and seems to represent the maximum body of material on 
which general agreement might reasonably be expected. It is the intention that 
this meeting should be open to general discussion of the draft with the hope 
that it may be presented, with or without revision, to the final meeting for 
adoption by the Congress. To initiate the discussion we have invited several 
distinguished speakers to present brief comments. I should emphasize that those 
who have been associated with the preparation of the draft do not consider 
that it is a completely satisfactory document. The whole effort has been 
devoted to outlining a system of acceptable tests which in themselves follow a 
logical pattern. If these are followed in a number of different laboratories, 
reasonably convenient and reliable exchange of numerical results will be pos 
sible. As far as it can, without loss of logic, it avoids disagreement with the 
various national practices. It is hoped that adoption of the specification will in 
no wise limit the continuation of research in the various relevant fields and 
that the specification will be frequently reviewed and improved. There should 
be no basis for fearing that any standard or specification will discourage labor 
atory research, and the advantage of having a measure of international agree 
ment on an important matter cannot be succesfully contradicted. 
Dr. H. Kasper, Switzerland. 
Mr. Chairman, ladies and gentlemen. The testing of the optical and geo 
metrical efficiency of photogrammetric cameras is, for the manufacturer as 

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