Full text: Actes du 7ième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (Premier fascicule)

Electronic Diagrams (2 line cuts) 
Airborne Functional Diagram 14 
Ground Set as a Transponder 15 
Calibration Truck—Grosse Isle 16 
Ground and Airborne Assembly in Calibration Truck 16 
Airborne Shoran and Communication Sets in Calibration Truck 17 
Figure Eight Diagram 17 
Plane—Rate and Drift distances 17 
Plan of Internal Line Crossing 17 
Plan of External Line Crossing 17 
Internal and External Line Crossings 18 
Radar Aerial Survey 
Shoran and Associated Equipment in Lancaster Aircraft 19 
Sketch of Shoran Network 20 
Shoran Geodetic Survey 21 
Navigational Instruments 22 
Straight Line Computor 23 
Lancaster supplied for Photography and Shoran 24 
Canso beached at Burntwoocl, Lac Seul, 1949 24 
Typical airborne transmitter and receiver converted for use at a ground station. This 
type used at Geodetic base and Shoran stations 24 
Aii’borne Recorder Dials 25 
Shoran Ground Set 26 
Airborne Assembly—Indicator set on top of Recorder. Control Panel, upper left. 
Goniometer and Mileage Dials at bottom of Indicator 27 
Lapse Rate Curves 28 
Plumb Point—Floating Stud 29 
Plane Plumb Point representation 29 
Gods Lake Shoran Station 30 
Beaver Hill Shoran Station 
50-foot Plywood Mast with Antenna 31

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