Full text: Actes du 7ième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (Premier fascicule)

Fig. 2 Diagram of a Siemens auto-pilot system. 
ment for the automatic flying of turns is of 
the greatest importance for the accurate fly 
ing of the compound turns that are required 
at the ends of the runs. 
Navigation is rendered still more difficult 
by the influence of the wind. Wind data 
may be ascertained with a maximum of ac 
curacy by drift measurements made on at 
least two different courses. This measure 
ment can be performed with the requisite 
accuracy of about V2 0 only with a gyro- 
supported drift indicator. Due to the tilt and 
tip of the aircraft about the longitudinal 
and lateral axes as well as on account of 
variations of the speed, drift indicators 
On the straight course the directional gyro is 
continuously supported by the compass during 
the flight. The compensation of the master 
compass is therefore of the utmost importance. 
It must be performed occasionally at the test 
stand on a rotary disk which is adjusted 
astronomically. This measurement should al 
ways be made with all engines running so that 
Mutterkompaß- 1 
Tochterkompaß — 1 
Stützschalter — 
all induction currents which may occur during 
the flight can be taken into consideration. 
Residual compensation errors up to V4 0 are 
recorded in a corresponding correction table. 
In three-axis pilot systems, there is an addi 
tional automatic control of the elevator ac 
cording to the readings of the statoscope. A 
schematic diagram of the Siemens automatic 
pilot is shown in Fig. 2. 
The accurate negotiation of turns free 
from banking is carried out with the aid of 
the direction control-lever of the automatic 
pilot. It transmits a continuously acting pul 
sed signal to the rudder control of the air- 
The different turning stages can be accura 
tely calibrated within approximately yh l°/o 
by flying several full circles. This arrange- 
Widers lands к a s ten LKW5 
Widerslcndskasten LKW3 
plane. The impulse is regulated by the auto 
pilot and the directional gyro over resistors. 
According to the resistor stage that has been 
engaged, the ship turns automatically with a 
turning speed of 1°, 2° or 3° per second. 

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