Full text: Actes du 7ième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (Premier fascicule)

For further information, the photographic 
data of approximately 3 600 pictures are given 
which have been obtained by the skill of the 
Accuracy of longitudinal 
overlap (60°/o) +_ 2.3°/o 
Average picture swing +_ 2° 
Average picture tilt (as shown by level) +. 0-8° 
These results show that the above described 
methods permit to obtain satisfactory results 
with systematic strip coverage for photogram- 
metric purposes. The method required careful 
planning and previous computation for navi 
gational purposes, which, however, is sup 
ported by plotting sheets and diagrams. Care 
ful operation of navigation instruments, both 
as regards measurements and setups as well as 
first-class calibration of all instruments are a 
“must“. The particular advantage is ample 
freedom from ground observation. In particu 
lar, the control of the flight line spacings at 
the end of the runs is absolutely reliable and 
can be obtained in a minimum of time. After 
preliminary theoretical instruction a navigator 
can be fully trained on two missions. The best 
evidence for the quality of the method is that 
on all photographic flights made according to 
it, there has never been a gap in the photo 
graphy made. 
W. Schneider: Das Lotfernrohr von C. Zeiss, 
L. Dv. g. 8/3, Ausbildungsvorschrift, 1944. 
U. Heidelauf: Untersuchungen zur Durchfüh 
rung einer großräumigen Luftbilderkundung 
im Sinne skizzenhafter Landesaufnahme für 
die Schnellherstellung einer skizzenhaften, 
kartenartigen Geländeübersicht — Berlin 
1944 (Luftbild und Luftbildmessung Nr. 30)

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