Let e be the ratio E a to the brightness in an axial direction E 0 . This will be:
E« Q «
e = 7, = 71— • cos 4 a
E 0 Q„
e = q • cos 4 a
In connection with this formula, a fourth power of the cosine “law” is
often mentioned. Yet, this is totally wrong; for QT, too, is a function of a,
and the decisive element in the brightness in each case (Q' a ‘ cos 4 «).
Factor “q” is wrongly called a “vignetting” factor. Yet, the expression
used not only contains the “vignetting”, but also the behavior of the principal
ray through the lens. Unfortunately it is erroneously thought that q must
needs be smaller than 1.
The Wild Aviogon provides an example of a lens in which q can actually
become larger than 1 at a suitable angle of incidence. The bundless of rays
entering the lens laterally are refracted in the front part of the lens, so that
their angle of incidence to the optical axis is reduced. Thus, they enter the dia
phragm under this smaller angle of incidence. For this reason, the diaphragm
allows a wider beam to pass than would be the case if the bundless of rays from
the sides passed through the diaphragm under their initial angle of incidence «.
Fig. 12 shows a number of original pictures of pupil size Q'« for various
diaphragms, taken with the Wild Aviogon Prototype. The amazingly fast
increase for Q'« can be seen particularly well for small diaphragms; these
pictures show clearly that the distribution of illumination does by no means
obey a so-called “cos 4 ” law. If this were true, all bundle cross-sections would be
circular and of equal size. However, this is true only of lenses having a front
diaphragm. The adumbration of the entrance pupil by the lens sleeve, thus the
“vignetting” is noticeable for the greater angular openings where a 1 : 5.6
diaphragm is used.
For better comparison, q is entered in Fig. 13 as a function of the image
radius, q = 1 = constant would correspond to a simple lens with a diaphragm
in front of it, without any vignetting. Thus, Fig. 13 will permit to evaluate
the gain in illumination power of the Aviogon, over a lens having a diaphragm
in front of it.
Fig. 14 shows the relative illumination power e = q • cos 4 a for various
diaphragms. For the purpose of comparison, the value of cos 4 a is shown. This
would be the illumination of a lens with q = 1, thus of a lens with a diaphragm
in front of it.
The q and e values for wide angle lenses of the types formerly used are
given in Figures 15 and 16, in order to exemplify the high degree of improve
ment achieved by the Wild Aviogon. The figures are self-explanatory.
The test data given above show that theoretical expectations, based on the
calculations, have been met in full. By this, we are able to judge the high quali
ties and the extremely precise and uniform manufacture of the Wild Aviogon
a fact which is particularly important to the practical photogrammetrist.