Full text: Actes du 7ième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (Premier fascicule)

Montero, Leon G., 625 H St., S. W., Washing 
ton, D. C. 
Moorhouse, William H., 3640 39th St., N. W., 
Washington 16, D. C. 
Moran, John B., Rt. #1, Springfield, Va. 
Moratis, Christy J., 328 W. Piedmont St., Arling 
ton, Va. 
Moravetz, Robt. L„ 3813 N. 4th St., Arlington, Va. 
Morris, John H., 5711 N. Washington Blvd., Arling 
ton, Va. 
Morris, Max Emmett, 5530 Parkland Ct., S. E„ 
Washington 19, D. C. 
Moyer, Ralph H., McReynolds Apts. 705 18th St., 
N. W., Washington, D. C. 
Mueller, Johanna, 2008 Hanover St., Silver Spring, 
Muir, Mrs. B. W., 5252 44th St., N. W., Wash 
ington, D. C. 
Muir, Melvin C., 7412 Hansford St., Washing 
ton 19, D. C. 
Mullen, Roy R., 4207 Eastern Ave., Mt. Rainier, 
Munroe, Benj., 2722 Colston Rd., Chevy Chase, Md. 
Murdick, Robert A., 2391 North Danville St., 
Arlington, Va. 
Murnane, H. P., W. & L. E. Gurley, Troy, N. Y. 
Murphy, Lawrence P., 5708 Ager Rd., Hyatts- 
ville, Md. 
Murray, Howard J., 5309 38th Ave., Hyattsville, 
Nagy, S/Sgt. Joseph E., Photo Interpretation Cen 
ter, Naval Receiving Center, Washington, D. C. 
Nair, Joe W., 234 Jefferson St., N. W., Washing 
ton 11, D. C. 
Nash, A. Gordon, 6 Soundview Rd., Glen Cove, N. Y. 
Neal, John M., 1106 Valley Drive, Alexandria, Va. 
Neasham, Lt. Robert S., USN, Photographic Inter 
pretation Center, Washington 25, D. C. 
Nelson, Herbert S., 3610 N. 14th St., Arlington, 
Nelson, James W., 2700 Emmet Rd., Silver Spring, 
Nelson, Raymond M., 118 Pine Drive, Annandale, 
Nelson, Mrs. Raymond M., 118 Pine Drive, Annan 
dale, Va. 
Newman, James E„ 2700 Emmet Rd., Silver 
Spring, Md. 
Newman, J. R., 463 N. Avalon, Memphis, Tenn. 
Newman, Mrs. J. R., 463 N. Avalon, Memphis, Tenn. 
Newell, Robert Yates, III, 120 Atlantic St., S. E., 
Washington, D. C. 
Nichols, Maynard M., 5901 Temple Hill Rd., Wash 
ington 20, D. C. 
Neith, Willard F., R. 6, Box 447, Alexandria, Va. 
Nilles, Robert J., 14549 Hamlin Ave., Midlothian, 
Norcross, Donald H., Dept. Public Works & High 
ways, State of New Hampshire, Concord, N. H. 
Norcross, Theodore W., American Society of Photo- 
grammetry, Box 286, Benj. Franklin St., Wash 
ington, D. C. 
Norris, Clarence, U. S. Geological Survey, 3100 
Wisconsin Ave., Washington, D. C. 
Norton, Clarice L., Fairchild Camera, Jamaica, 
N. Y. 
Novak, George, Washington, D. C. 
Nowicki, Albert L., 6009 Massachusetts Ave., N. W., 
Washington 16, D. C. 
Nugent, Robert H., 118 Briland St., Apt. 203, Alex- 
Nuttall, Lt. Col. L. R., HQS, ACIC, St. Louis, Mo. 
Ockert, Bonn L., 108 Bonifant Road, Silver Spring, 
Oertell, Eugene W., 2555 Colebrooke Dr., S. E., 
Washington 20, D. C. 
Oden, William L., Box 4431 Joyfield Sta., Detroit 
28, Mich. 
O’Dor, Hugh E., Rm. 7631 Interior Bldg., c/o U. S. 
Bureau of Reclamation, Washington 25, D. C. 
Oglesby, Hilton L., 4416 So. 36th St., Arlington, Va. 
Oguss, Howard B., Aq. 1807th AACS Wing APO 
633, c/o PM, New York, N. Y. 
O’Keefe, John A., 106 E. Thornapple St., Chevy 
Chase 15, Md. 
Olson, C. W., 310 Shirley St., Falls Church, Va. 
O’Mara, Marion D„ 4517 Georgia Ave., N. W., 
Washington 11, D. C. 
Omundson, Miss Alice, 2431 So. 27th St., Arling 
ton, Va. 
Omundson, Miss Mabel, 2431 So. 27th St., Arling 
ton, Va. 
O’Neal, James David, 801 Silver Spring Ave., Silver 
Spring, Md. 
O’Neill, Hugh, 2501 Hamlin St., N. E., Washing 
ton, D. C. 
O’Neill, Joe, Geog. Survey. 
Onishick, James J., 301 Willow St., Falls Church, 
Ophus, Walter A., 5328 Carolina Place, N. W., 
Washington, D. C. 
Oppleman, Philip, 352 4th Ave., New York, N. Y. 
Orsini, Felice M., 4706 Drexel Road, College Park, 
Ortiz, Francis, U. S. Coast & Geodetic Survey, 
Washington, D. C. 
Osanik, Alex, Box 2180, Rm. 1044-A, Houston, Tex. 
Osanik, Alex, 4804 Maple, Bellaire, Tex. 
Osanik, Mrs. Alex, 4804 Maple, Bellaire, Tex. 
Oseniak, Miss Mary, 4309 Van Buren St., Hyatts 
ville, Md. 
Oseroff, Harold, 3956 Pennsylvania Ave., S. E., 
Washington, D. C. 
Page, E. J., 2035 Woodrow St., Arlington, Va. 
Pallme, E. H., 34-06 Skillman Avenue, Long Island 
City, N. Y. 
Palmer, Peggy, U. S. Geological Survey, Wash 
ington, D. C. 
Palmer, Ralph B„ Jr., 6330 Broad St., Wash 
ington 16, D. C. 
Panayotopoulos, Captain George, R. H. Navy, 2211 
Massachusetts Avenue, N. W., Washington, D. C. 
Pannell, Ulysses S., 4206 3rd St., N. W., Washing 
ton, D. C. 
Park, W. Sidney, Stanford Field, Louisville, Ky. 
Park, Mrs. W. Sidney, Louisville, Ky. 
Parker, Mrs. John H., 2628 So. Veitch St., Arling 
ton, Va. 
Parkinson, Samuel D., U. S. Coast & Geodetic 
Survey, Washington 25, D. C. 
Parrish, Harry D., 213 Monroe St., Rockville, Md. 
Partanen, Major John E., 1719 Merrimac Drive, 
Langley Park, Hyattsville, Md. 
Pash, Oliver H., 132 Dale St., Alexandria, Va. 
Payne, Clarence M., Jr., 4204 Glenrose St., Ken 
sington, Md. 
Payne, Elizabeth M., 4729 13th St., N. W., Wash 
ington, D. C. 
Payne, Rosser, Geog. Survey. 
Peckinpaugh, C. L., Jr., U. S. Geological Survey, 
Washington 25, D. C. 
Peltz, Arthur, 343 Jefferson Street, Eau Claire, Wis. 
Penney, Robert Anthony, 8316 Flower Ave., Takoma 
Park, Md. 
Pennington, Donald J., Major, USAF, Hq. USAF, 
Divl. Requirements, Washington, D. C. 
Pennington, John T., 207 West Myrtle St., Alex 
andria, Va. 
Pennington, Mrs. John T„ 207 West Myrtle St., 
Alexandria, Va. 
Penyapol, Lt. Ampom (Thailand), U. S. Coast & 
Geodetic Survey, Room 2814-B, Washington, 
D. C. 
Perkinson, Ens. John W„ 4244 4th St., S. E., 
Washington 20, D. C. 
Perrier, Maurice J., Box 648, New Canaan, Conn. 
Pestrecor, Dr. K., B. & L., Rochester, N. Y. 
Petitmermet, Charlotte, 6707 14th St., N. W., 
Washington 12, D. C. 
Petoy, Ruth Mary (Miss), Operation’s Research 
Office, 6410 Connecticut Ave., Ohevvy Chase, 
Petrella, Ens. A. D., P. I. C., Naval Receiving 
Station, Washington 25, D. C. 
Phillips, Jacqueline B., 209 W. Madison Street, 
Baltimore 1, Md. 
Phillips, Lt. (jg) M. M„ 4232 4th St., S.E., Wash 
ington, D. C. 
Pickup, LCDR Jack H., 3508 13th Street, S. E., 
Washington 20, D. C. 
Piorola, Anthony, Army Map Service, Washing 
ton, D. C.

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