Full text: Actes du 7ième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (Premier fascicule)

Woo, Harry W., R. F. D. #5, Box 333X, Alexan 
dria, Va. 
Wood, Edward S., Jr., 53 Frost Road, Belmont 
78, Mass. 
Wood, Kenneth M., 5123 N. Hollywood, Milwaukee, 
Worley, David, Pennsylvania State College, State 
College, Pa. 
Wright, Anne M., 2330 Eutaw PI., Baltimore 17, 
Wright, Marshall S., Sr., 1308 Ft. Hunt Road, 
Alexandria, Va. 
Wright, Mrs. Marshall S., Sr., 1308 Ft. Hunt Road, 
Alexandria, Va. 
Wright, Marshall S., Jr., 206 Lafayette Dr., Alex- 
Wright, Ens. William G., USN, Naval Photo Inter 
pretation Center, Receiving Station, Washing 
ton 25, D. C. 
Wyllie, George S., 4828 N. 4th St., Philadelphia 
20, Pa. 
Yates, Franklin, 3537 N. 9th St., Philadelphia, Pa. 
Yates, John V., 318 N. Carolina Ave., S. E., Wash 
ington, D. C. 
Yearwood, Edward G., 320 Constitution Ave., N. E., 
Washington, D. C. 
Young, Dr. Harold E., University of Maine, Orono, 
Young, John D., 1109 N. Highland St., Arling 
ton, Va. 
Zabawski, John, YMCA, 1736 G St., N. W., Wash 
ington, D. C. 
Zarza, Ray E., Box 362, College Park, Md. 
Zimmerli, Arthur B., 4009 Everett St., Kensing 
ton, Md. 
Zounek, Charles J., 2743 Lorcom Lane, Arlington, 
Zula, Marion I., 717 South Veitch St., Arling 
ton, Va. 
Zurlinder, Mr. Robert, 40 E. Pacemont, Columbus 
2, Ohio. 
Goodale, E. Russell, Creole Petroleum Corp., Caracas. 
Milutin, Stefanovie, Yugoslave Embassy, Wash 

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