through the medium of the ISP for the encouragement of photogrammetry. REUNIC
“And having indicated that his general intention is that these medals should: pj_j (
a) Be of high international regard;
b) Bear no commercial implication;
c) Be entirely international in character;
d) Be not restricted to membres of the ISP;
e) Be presented in recognition of outstanding and proven contributions to Etaient pré;
photogrammetry of whatever form whether for major completed photo- E. S. IV
grammetric mapping projects, for fundamentally new equipment, or fun- W. Q
damentally new techniques, or other new departures; L. R. S
f) Be presented as often as and only when a contribution is so significant as George
to be outstanding landmark in the progress of photogrammetry; C. E. I
g) Bear the name of Brock; Louis ’
“And having indicated his wish that the ISP establish, with his general Adelin
consent, its own rules for the presentation of these medals, G. Poi’
R. Jan
“It is resolved that: J. Cru;
1) The convention accept with gratitude Mr. Virgil Kauffman’s magnani- T. W.
mous offer; Alfred«
2) Set up a committee to draft rules covering the presentation of these medals; Phya S
and Rudolj
3) Empower the President and Council in consultation with Mr. Virgil Kauff- Sven C
man to approve the rules.” Akira
Bertil ’
The committee appointed to draft the rules as mentioned in paragraph 2 G. S. 1
of the resolutions consists of General Brown, Chairman, Mr. Poivilliers, Mr. h- C.
Harry and Mr. Schermerhorn. R- L. 1
A suggestion was made to establish rules governing the number and selec- R- R Qi
tion of papers to be presented at subsequent Congresses; the number of papers W. Scl
presented being limited to permit more time for discussion. No agreement was Schi
reached and the matter was left for possible solution by the officers and Council K. Net
in connection with planning for the next Congress with the recommendation Ha.
that rather rigid rules be adopted. J* ^ st<
The names of Ermengildo Santoni, Umberto Nistri, W. Schermerhorn,
F. Baeschlin, and O. S. Reading were placed in nomination for honorary ^e Pre
membership. Société c
A conditional invitation to hold the next Congress in Sweden was accepted. Société de 1
In the event that it became impossible to have the meeting in Sweden, Great Bien q
Britain was to be considered a first reserve to examine the possibility of hold- représentât
ing the Congress there. The name of Mr. Patrik Mogensen was placed in nomi- photogram
nation for President of the International Society of Photogrammetry but since versees les c
Mr. Mogensen was not present it was decided to defer the nomination of either a ^ P r ochaii
the Secretary-General or the Treasurer. Members of the Council are to be decidee par
Professor Schermerhorn, Captain Reading, Ing. R. Janicot, and General R. L. tement la .
Brown. me i
Committee allocations were as follows: Committee I — France, Committee ^ 1-
II — Switzerland, Committee III — Benelux, Committee IV — Canada, Com- Photogram
mittee V — Italy, Committee VI — Austria, and Committee VII — United onorer a
States. mediaire d<