Full text: Actes du 7ième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (Premier fascicule)

at the opportunity to display their work to members of this Congress. Also, 
most of the instrument-manufacturing organizations that are concerned in one 
way or another with photogrammetry are located away from Washington, and 
they too would like nothing better than to show their works and their products 
to members of this distinguished group. Furthermore, there are at least two 
large governmental organizations, concerned with aeronautical charting and 
development of photogrammetric equipment, that are located away from 
And now it gives me very great pleasure to tell you about an interesting 
boat ride that the members of the American Society of Photogrammetry have 
arranged for you for next Sunday morning, September 7. The S.S. Mt. Vernon, 
which will accommodate more than 1000 passengers, has been chartered for 
our exclusive use on this occasion. It will leave the pier in Washington at 9:30 
a.m. and will proceed down-stream on the Potomac River to Mt. Vernon, the 
historic home of General George Washington, the first president of the United 
States. The boat will stop at Mt. Vernon long enough to permit an inspection 
of this famous early-American home. The boat will return to the pier in Was 
hington at about 1:30 p.m. The entire excursion will be free to all registered 
members, including members of their immediate families, and of course this 
includes members of the American Society of Photogrammetry as well as our 
visitors from other lands. Your registration badge will admit you and your 
family to the boat. Further information regarding this boat trip will be given 
to you in other announcements, or you may obtain complete information 
about it at the Information Desk. Please make your reservations as soon as 
possible, so we will know how many to plan for. 
In closing, let me repeat that we of the American Society of Photogram 
metry, are here to serve you, the delegates to this International Society meeting. 
We will deem it a pleasure to be able to help any delegate, in any way, at any 
time. We sincerely hope that you will enjoy your stay with us, that you will 
be able to prolong your stay so as to see other parts of our country, and that 
you will gain in knowledge and otherwise profit greatly from your attendance 
at this Seventh International Congress of Photogrammetry. 
I thank you for your kind attention, and now wish to welcome to the 
chair the President of the International Society of Photogrammetry, Captain 
Oliver Scott Reading, of the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey, who 
will be the permanent Chairman of this Congress. 
George D. Whitmore 
President de la Société Américaine de Photogrammetrie. 
M. le Directeur du Programme, membres et hôtes des Septièmes Congrès 
International et Exposition de Photogrammétrie, et plus particulièrement, 
visiteurs venus de l’Etranger, 
en tant que Président de la Société Américaine de Photogrammétrie, j’ai le 
plaisir de vous offrir les salutations de notre Société et de vous souhaiter la 
bienvenue aux Etats-Unis et à ce Congrès. Nous, membres de la Société Amé- 
ricaine de 
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