équivalent arrangé dans la chambre, et par un miroir, manœuvré par le gyros
cope à 1 aide de systèmes de leviers suffisants à assurer la reproduction
fidèle de 1 orientation spatiale de l’axe de rotation rapide du gyroscope,
grâce à leur masse extrêmement petite et à leur docilité de mouvement.
L'indication du repère sur le photogramme, outre qu’automatique, est
aussi dégagée des erreurs inhérentes aux opérations auxiliaires de calcul ou de
transport graphique, la dite indication étant seulement affectée par les erreurs
strictement inhérentes au fonctionnement du système gyroscopique.
Finalement, l’auteur expose les résultats de certaines expériences pra
tiques d’application du dispositif.
by Dr. G. Parenti
The Author describes concisely the various solutions devised to date in
order to record on the photograh those geometrical elements which are
necessary in order to determine the orientation of the principal axis of the
taking camera with respect to the vertical line, as represented by the lines
of force of the terrestrial gravitational field.
After remembering that all proceedings known so far furnish but
indirect elements which still require to be elaborated in order to achieve that
determination which is really interesting, i. e. the spotting of that point of
the terrain corresponding to the nadiral point, the Author describes a simple
optical device realized by the Firm O.M.I. — Rome actuated by a gyros-
copical system, which produces directly and without the need of any compu
tation or graphical transportation, a small cross on the photogram in corres
pondence to the nadiral point.
The system is made of a collimating group, the last element of which
is represented by the recording camera lens or by an equivalent one, displa
ced within the camera, and by a mirror actuated by the gyroscope through
opportune arms sufficient to insure the faithful reproduction of the spatial
orientation of the gyroscope axis of rapid rotation in virtue of their small
mass and their docility of movement.
The reference indication on the photogram, beside being automatical,
is thus freed from the errors incidental to the auxiliary operations of compu
tation or graphical transportation, and there remain only the ones closely
inherent to the operation of the gyroscopic system.
Lastly the author exposes the results achieved in some practical expe
rimental applications of this device.