Full text: Actes du 7ième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (Deuxième fascicule)

J. Sutor New Methods of Tilt Determination in Vertical Air 
Photographs . 
J. Sutor Some New Geometric Knowledge on Vertical Photo 
graphs ; 
W. Hofmann The “Critical Surfaces! in the Photogrammetrie 
Cardinal Problem and their Importance and Elimina- 
tion in Photogrammetric Practise 
W.D.Harris Stereoscopic Mapping with the US. Coast and 
Geodetic Survey Nine-Lens Camera ; ; 
A. Frey Samsioe and P. H. Tham Stereo- Maps 
J. A. Eden Some Aspects of Photogrammetry in Great Brite 
The New Map of the Grand Duchy of Luxemburg . 
Photogrammetry at the Institut Géographique National . 
Rapport Général de la Commission III (L’ Aérotriangulation et 
son Application à la Géodésie) . : 
General Report of Committee III (Aero- triangulation) 
Compte Rendu des Séances de la Commission III Tq Aéto- 
triangulation et ses Applications à la Géodésie) . 
Report of the Sessions of Commission III (Aerial Triangulation 
and its Application to Geodesy) 
G. Poivilliers On a Method of Traversing 
G. Poivilliers The Determination and Correction of Ateidental 
Local Deformations of Perspective Rays 
H.Bonneval Spatial Aerial Triangulation at the Nd 
Geographic Institute 
H. Bonneval L'Aérotriangulation Soils a S insist. Gu 
graphique National 
A. M. Wassef Analytical Air "Translation Made More 
A. M. Wassef Sur la Technique de la  Telangulation saut 
Pratique, Amélioration des Procédés de Calcul et 
A. M. Wassef Some Aspects of che Design, Aly: and Pre: 
sentation of Photogrammetric Experiments 
R. Roelofs Adjustment of Aerial Triangulation by the Method 
of Least Squares 
M. Zeller Stereophotogrammetry and Studies P Movements ; 
C. Trombetti Triangolazione Solare Santoni: Metodi di lavoro, 
compensazione e risultati di nuove esperienze 
C. Trombetti Santoni Solar Aerotriangulation — Working 
Methods Adjustments and Results of Latest 
T. J. Blachut The Radar Profile. and its Application to 
Photogrammetric Mapping ; : ; 

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