Full text: Actes du 7ième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (Deuxième fascicule)

systematic arrangement of the mapping operations and the specialization of the 
The text discusses as follows: 
a) The methods of performing the Service of Photogrammetry to function 
on the basis of its essential tasks (maps of France at 1/20,000, the map of North 
Africa at 1/50,000, the map of overseas territories at 1/100,000, aeronautical 
equipment, 17 photographic airplanes, photographic apparatus, automatic cam- 
eras using glass plates or film, stereoscopic plotting equipment including 64 
Poivilliers stereotopographs of the various models A, B, C and D. 
b) The organization of the Service and the subdivision into the various 
c) The methods used for the maps at the various scales, as pertaining to 
planning the stereoscopic work, the instruments, etc. 
The report is concluded by a statistical account of the production of the 
various work groups. 

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