Full text: Actes du 7ième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (Deuxième fascicule)

T. Blachut. 
52 Large and intermediate scale mapping of extensive areas with applica- 
tion of spatial aerial triangulation. Mapping example of Israel. Photo- 
grammetric Engineering Sept. 1950. 
U. Nistri. 
53 Développements modernes de la photogrammétrie aérienne. Bul. Soc. 
Belge de Phot. n° 19. 
A.-J. van der Weele. 
54 Basic investigations on behalf of the application of the theory of errors 
in Photogrammetry. Photogrammetria 1951-52, nr. 2. 
55 La méthode numérique d'orientation relative appliquée à la triangulation 
aérienne. Bulletin Belge de Photogrammétrie 1951 
G.-H. Schut. 
56 Precision of the relative orientation according to the method of Poivil- 
liers. Photogrammetria 1951-52, nr. 2. 
J. Visser Lzn. 
57 Bepaling van focaal- en nadirpunten in foto’s m.b.v. parallaxmeting in 
de Stereocomparator. Delft 1950 (non publié). 
A. Bjerhammer. 
58 Adjustment of Aerotriangulation. Photogrammetria 1950, 51-4. 
L. Ekelund. 
59  Modelltriangulering. En ny method fôr Photogrammetrisk stommátning. 
Fotogrammetriska Meddelanden, Kungl. Tekniska Hôgskolan 11 : 
P.O. Fagerholm. 
60 Mechanical Radial Triangulation. Photogrammetria 1951-52. 1 
B. Hallert. 
61 Contribution to theory of errors for double point intersection in space. 
Kungl. Technika Hogskolans handlingar nr. 35. 1950. 
62 Ueber die Herstellung photogrammetrischer Pläne. Thesis, Stockholm 
63 Aerial photogrammetric activities at the Geographical Survey Office of 
Sweden. Rikets allmánna kartverks meddelande nr. 7. 1948. 

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