into three sums of squares: one expressive of variations due to the type of film,
one expressive of differences arising from variation of storage time, and the third
representing the collective variability due to experimental errors. The first two
components will be called ‘the beween-F sum of squares’ and ‘the between-t sum
of squares’; the third will be referred to as ‘the residual’. Table 7 gives the analysis
of variance of the data of Table 4. The component sums of squares (S.S.) are
given in the first column opposite to the respective sources of variation, with the
number of degrees of freedom (d.f.) in the second column; and the mean squares
(= S.S./d.f.) in the third.
The analysis may proceed as follows: We first put forward the hypothesis
that Table 4 consists of a random sample from a set of measurements of a constant
quantity. If this were true, all the mean squares in Table 7 would be consistent
Table 7
(Temperature 70° F)
S.S. d.f. | M.S.
Between-F 64.31 3 | 21.33
Between-t 2.06 3 | .69
Residual 35.57 9 | 3.99
Total 101.94 15 |
estimates of the same variance, and should not therefore differ from one another
more than would be expected from random sampling. If, on the other hand, the
length of storage time influences distortion, the between-t mean square would be
larger than the residual. Similarly, if the films differ in their response to storage,
the between-F mean square would be larger than the residual.
It is obvious that there is no significant time effect, since the beween-t mean
square is smaller than the residual (but of course it is not significantly smaller).
We may therefore pool the Sums of Squares and degrees of freedom assignable to
the 'between-£^ and 'residual', thereby obtaining (35.57 + 2.06)/(3 + 9) = 3.13
as a new estimate of the ‘residual’ which has 12 degrees of freedom. The between-F
mean square is approximately 7 times the residual. It had to be only 6 times the
residual to be significant on the 1 per cent level. We may thus conclude that the
70? F disclose significant variation of shrinkage with the type of film. Since,
however the data do not reveal any time effect, we can therefore take the mean
distortion over the four storage periods, and compare any particular pair of films
which might be of interest to us by testing the significance of the differences
between their respective means. It is clear from the Total column of Table 4 that
the films group in two pairs of which the mean distortions differ by about 18/4 —
— 4.5 units. This difference gives a value of t — 4.5/[3.13 (1/4 + */4)]^ — 3.6, with
the 12 degrees of freedom of the residual. The odds against the chance appearance
of a difference equal to or greater than the observed magnitude are greater than
[00 to 1; and we therefore conclude that (at 70? F) the films AB-284 and N-045
are equally good and better than the other pair.
Proceeding similarly to analyse the data pertaining to storage at 90? F, we
obtain the analysis of variance shown in Table 8: The time factor is again