Full text: Actes du 7ième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (Deuxième fascicule)

rounding off may not seriously influence inference from the data. It 
is usually sufficient to keep an additional figure or two in deriving 
the means, and two or three in estimating the errors. 
A.52. Amount of Information to be Published. 
Published accounts should include: 
(1). the objectives of the experiment, 
(2). the design of the experiment, 
(3). an assessment of the factors not covered by the experiment, but which 
might have contributed to the results, 
(4). the methods of gathering the data, 
(5). the number of replications, 
(6). the methods of evaluating the variates from the observations, 
(7). the derived values of the variates (condensed), 
(8). the analysis of the data (details of the calculations are usually 
(1). Calhoun, J. M..; Photogrammetric Engineering, Vol. XIII, June 1947. 
{2). Davis, Raymond and Stovall Jr., Emery J.; Journal of Research of National 
Bureau of Standards, Vol. 19, December 1937. 
(3). Air Survey Research Paper No. 11; Directorate of Military Survey, War 
Office, London 1945. (Published by H.M.S.O.). 
(4). Wassef, A. M.; Ph. D. Thesis, University of London, February 1950. 
(5). Thompson, E. H.; The Journal of the Royal Institution of Chartered 
Surveyors, Vol. XXX, Part IX, March 1951. 
(6). Wassef, A. M.; Empire Survey Review, Vol. XI, No. 81, July 1951. 
(7. Shewell, H. A. L.; Commonwealth Survey Officers’ Conference, March 1951. 
Fisher, R. A.; Statistical Methods for Research Workers. Tenth Edition, Oliver 
and Boyd, 1948. 
Fisher, R. A.; The Design of Experiments. Fifth Edition, Oliver and Boyd, 1949. 
Brownlee, K. A.; Industrial Experimentation. Fourth Edition, His Majesty’s 
Stationary Office, London, 1949. 
Kendall, M. G.; The Advanced Theory of Statistics. Second Edition, Charles 
Griffin & Company Ltd., 1948. 
The writer wishes to express his gratitude to Cap. O. S. Reading, the President 
of the International Society of Photogrammetry, for his encouragement and for 
suggestions. The ‘Appendix’ was written in response to Cap. Reading’s advice to 
include some specific recommendations. 
My thanks are also due to my wife for useful discussions and much valuable 
assistance in the preparation of this paper. 

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