Full text: Actes du 7ième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (Deuxième fascicule)

Kı Xx Ks - 
A1 Ae A4 s bw, 
E (24) 
As | A» As | 3 bw, 
| n 
A4 | As C+ Ca L Wy 
Table 4: Normal Equations. 
From this table the normal equations are to be read as follows: 
AK; + AK + AR = : P 
The quantities C; and C, — functions of 4, and A, — are given in Ap- 
pendix V. 
After the correlates K,, K, and K, have been solved from these normal 
equations, the corrections to the elements of orientation can be computed with 
the correlate equations, according to the theory given in Appendix V: 
dwi =D, + iD, (25) 
du =D, + D, (26) 
d by; mm D; «in. (27) 
in which D, D, represent the functions of the correlates to be read from the 
following table 5, the quantities C,—C, being given in Appendix V. 
= Ki K» Ka 
bD, A1 Ae -—À 1/, nAs ef Ca 
bD» — — As 
b Da As A» — 1j» nÁ» + Ca 
bD, = em A» 
Ds Ay As — lo nA, «+ C. 
Ds — — As 
Table 5. 
In many methods of relative orientation the lateral tilt c» and the swing x 
are uncorrelated, ie. A; = 0. We then have C, — A, and the formula (25) 
dox = : (A:Kı 4 A4K3) 

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