Full text: Actes du 7ième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (Deuxième fascicule)

or in view of the first normal equation of table 4: 
dao = d n 
This means that in these cases the lateral tilt closing error is distributed 
equally over all lateral tilts (; — 1 2). 
12. Adjustment of wg, ws, wp and w.. 
From the condition equations (14), (15), (17) and (18) we derive the following 
normal equations, in which the quantities C,—C,;; are defined in Appendix V. 
Kı Ks | Ke | K+ w= 
1 1 
Ce — Bs C13 T Cu — Cu — wg 
n n 
1s + Cha n°Cz + nCz + Col Cis nC16 I Wa (28) 
== Cis Cio = 5 Wo 
Ci: nC16 gre n°C11 + Cis 1 Wo 
Table 6: Normal Equations. 
After these normal equations have been solved to give K,—K,, the corrections 
to the elements of relative orientation are computed by the following correlate 
d po = Dr (29) 
d fi = Ds + iDe (0 « i « n) (30) 
d fn — Dio on 
d bi — Dii iDis ?Dis 32) 
dpi — Di t iDis G « n) (33) 
d Pi = Die + 2D17 (z > 0) (34) 
D.—D,. are functions of the correlates K,—K; according to the following 
table 7: 
ET Kı Ks Ke K7 
bD7 Cis nBis + Cu Cao llo nCoo — B: 
bDs Ce nBs — — 2 B« 
b Do — Ds — t 
dDio Cis B» —C 20 1 nC2o — Br 
Dii Co, —nBe + Co» Cis 1, nCis = Cas 
Di» B; (n + 12) Bs ee Cos 
Dis zz — js Bs — — 
bD414 —Cqu nDBis — Css — l[a Cio — l4 nCio — As 
bDis — — Bis — lo Cio 
dDi16 —C17 nB13 + Bi» llo C10 14 nCio — As 
bD17 — — Bis - — 1/3 Cio 
Table 7. 

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