Full text: Actes du 7ième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (Deuxième fascicule)

13. Computation of corrections to the elements of absolute orientation. 
From the recurrent relation (4) it follows 
A O4 — A Mo + [d oli? (35) 
or substituting dw by (25) and putting ^ w, — 0 (Appendix I): 
A wi = LE, + 2 E» (36) 
These and further quantities E are functions of D,—D,, given in Appendix IV: 
Reduction of (5) gives: 
A x; = A xo + [d x;]i* (37) 
As it will not generally be possible to set the absolute swing in the machine, 
due to its limited range, we put A x, — O to obtain semi-absolute swing: 
Am = [d xj] (38) 
or substituting dx by (26): 
A 24 = Es + p Es (39) 
Substitution of Ax by (38) reduces (6) to the following formula for the 
y-component of the base bi: 
Aby: — ^ byia — dbyi — [bd x] (40) 
or introducing (26) and (27) 
À by; — ^ byi a — Es d iEs 4- P Es (41) 
Differentiating (22) logarithmically we obtain: 
1 1 1 |t 
b, db; = To db, + E d fj; 0 
or putting bi = b and fj — 1 by approximation and db, — O according to 
Appendix I: 
db; = [bd pi] (42) 
Application of (29) and (30) gives finally: 
db; = Eg + LE + PE (43) 
The z-components of the bases, which were kept zero during the triangulat- 
ion, must be adjusted afterwards to equal the corresponding differences in flying 
bzi ee bzi 4 = — Hi + Hinz 
Introducing this in (16) and writing an index j in place of i, we have 
—bz; a+ 2bzi — bzi4 17— —b (oj — qj — ) —bd qj + bd Pi (44) 
Summation over j = 0 > i—1 gives, taking account of dpo = 0 and bzo = 0 
(61, Appendix I): 
bz 1 —bzi=bz 1 —b[(pi— o/)— yl" —b [dpi + b [def]! (45) 
Substituting dg; and dg; by (33) and (34) we obtain the following formula 
for the z-component of the base bi: 
bzi — bzi 4 = b [pi — qj) yr + E11 + 1E19 d E13 (46) 
According to chapter 1 the triangulation as executed differs from the strip as 

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