Full text: Actes du 7ième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (Deuxième fascicule)

Q* 8; = (P "hs q) (Q -1 + pi = jJ + q (Op d ai ) eum 
= vs , 
Ea 2 (p + q) q (Qi 4 Qui T Qui qi sh 1 ) + P? (Q s Zi + Q 2 
In a non-symbolic form and multiplying by 5*: 
p Q5, Pi = (p "3 q)°b* (Qoi qi 1 t Quit 1 D e qu (Qi Pi + Qui pi) T7 
— 2 (p + q) q (Qui _1 Pi + Qui pi 1) d p Q + Zi Zi ) 
or introducing the denotations from table 1 and the first.one of the B-list, 
Appendix V: 
b’Q 6, Bi = (p + q)?2 A7 + q°2 A1—2 (p + q)q2 As + p? Bi 
After some reduction, taking account of pq = 1: 
P Qj. p, — p*(2A:-F B3) -- A(d? + 1) (Ar — As) 
or finally, referring to the B-list, Appendix V: 
P Oa B 
Computation of the correlation number of // and 9. 
Multiplying (20) by Qe; and taking into account that ¢; is correlated with 
v i—1 only, we have: 
Q fi Qui = (p d q) Qui. -1 Qoi "m q QQ Di 
or in a non-symbolic form, multiplied by P?: 
p? Q 5; Di = (p " q) PO, —1 Pi TT qP Qoi p, 
Introduction of the denotations from table 1 gives: 
P Qo, 7 ® + 4) As — q Ar = p As — q(A«— As) 
or referring to Appendix V: 
P Q p, ET Bs 
Appendix IV. Some formulae from the theory of adjusting correlated obser- 
Although the formulae of Tienstra's theory of adjusting correlated obser- 
vations can more easily be given by using the simple Einstein-method of re- 
presenting sets of linear equations, we will write them in full for the sake of 
surveyability, restricting ourselves to a problem containing three observed 
quantities and two condition equations. 
Let the condition equations be: 
u1! e* + ua! €? + us! e = qui 
ui Za + us” £g us? g W2 
in which: 
ely 2, 2g are corrections to observed quantities; 
4, 44 etc. are constants; 
w, and w, are closing errors. 

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