Full text: Actes du 7ième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (Deuxième fascicule)

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In comparison with the first method, such an arrangement 
of the radar profiles reduces their number considerably, although | 
it does not reduce the amount of work which must be done on the 
plotting machines, since the data necessary for a detailed plotting 
must first be obtained by aerotriangulation. There are cases, 
however, such as when the type of terrain makes precise navigation 
impossible, when this is the only practical method. 
In order to increase the general accuracy, a combination 
of both methods can be used. If there are only a few widely spaced 
fixed points in the area, a system of nodal points adds considerable 
strength to the established network of vertical controls. 
And finally there is the third possibility of applying 
the radar profile to photogrammetry by making it an integral part 
of the aerotriangulation method. When working on the piotting 
machines, use would therefore be made of the data contained in the 
radar profile, such as the differences in the altitude of the air- 
craft above the ground; the elevations deduced from the radar profile 
will also be used later as a basis of adjustment. In comparing the 
radar profile with the aerotriangulation, the following difference 
becomes obvious: although aerotriangulation itself may have great 
inner accuracy, various types of systematic and pseudo-systematic 
errors and the occurrence of "breaks" due, for instance, to some 
kind of irregularity in a photograph, lead to a rapid increase in 
the values of the absolute error, thus reducing the accuracy and 
efficiency of the method. In contrast to this, the radar profile 
possesses a high degree of "general" accuracy within wide climatolo- 
gical limits, but a limited "inner" accuracy in the representation 
of neighbouring points of the profile. By integrating the inner 
accuracy of aerotriangulation with the general accuracy of the radar 
profile, a favourable combination of the two methods for the purpose 

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