c) Which is the equidistance of the contour lines.
d) On which geodetic data is based the map.
e) Which is the accuracy obtained and controlled in height and
f) Which are the scopes of these maps.
g) Preexistant maps are put up to date with the help of photo-
1) Cadastre and similar applications.
a) What extent have taken the photogrammetric surveys in
this field ?
b) Scales mostly used and justificative tests.
Only position or position and height: in this case which is the nor-
mal equidistance of the contour lines and which are the exceptions.
Proceeding of the work.
Content required in the maps.
On which geodetic data is based the map.
Accuracy required on open ground and woodland ground.
Supplementary measurements on the ground.
c) Preexistant maps are put up to date with photogrammetry
or completed with height.
2) Other topographic maps for various purposes.
a) Maps for projects of public works.
b) Maps for Region and Town planing
c) Maps for agriculture and land improvement.
d) Maps for mines's researches.
e) Maps for Forestry.
f) Geologie, oceanographic, idrographic, glaciologic and oro-
graphie maps.
g) Maps for Archaelogie.
h) Maps executed during scientific and geographic expeditions.
3) Maps for alpinism and tourism.
[) Maps for other purposes.
For each óf the above categories relate:
Proceedings adoperated.
Scale and, if height, the equidistance of the contour lines.
Accuracy reached.
Results obtained.