Full text: Actes du 7ième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (Deuxième fascicule)

c) Map for Forestry. 
One map for this purpose is plotted on behalf of the Stateforest 
Photoscale 1:20 000. 
Aerotriangulation by means of Wild A 5 (1% to 2 ground control 
points per 5 photographs). Plotted in stereoplanigraph several kinds of 
wood premises, classified to kind and height of the trees have been plotted. 
a) The following organizations execute photogrammetric surveys. 
Public organizations: 
1) The Military Topographic Service at Delft. 
2) The Survey Dept. of the Ministry of Public Works (Geodetic In- 
stitute at Delft). 
Private organizations: 
3) The aerial survey branch of the Royal Dutch Airlines (K.L.M.) 
4) The Topographic Service of the Royal Dutch Shell (B.P.M.). 
b) ad. a 1: 240 persons 
ad. a 2: 40 » 
ad. à 3: 90 » 
d) The photogrammetrical activities of the cadastre are executed 
by the Survey Dept. of the Ministry of Public Works. All ground control 
activities are executed by the cadastre itself. The expenses are settled 
inter-departmentally between the Finance Department (Cadastre) and 
the Ministry of Public Works. 
For the map plotting of Holland all air photographs are taken by 
the Royal Dutch Airlines. 
If the Survey Dept, of the Ministry of Public Works plots tropical 
areas, this agency receives the photographs and ground data from the 
On the otherhand the aerial survey branch of the K.I.M. executes 
such charges completely. 
€) plotted since 1948: 
Contour maps of tropical areas 20 000 km? on the scale 1:10 000, 
1:20 000 and 1:25 000. 
For Holland: see above. 
f + 9). It is rather difficult to tell something about production speed 
cost-prices and time of complete work, because these factors dependent 
of the quality of the photographs and the position of the ground. 
86 — 

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